
15 Signs You’re Entering Your Quarter-Life Crisis

15 Signs You’re Entering Your Quarter-Life Crisis

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There comes a time in every 25- or 30-something’s life when they realize the bulk of their youth is behind them. Sure, there are things to look forward to in middle age – starting a family, becoming successful in one’s career, finally paying off the thousands of dollars of student loans – but it won’t be the same. Your days of partying ’til 4 a.m. and bouncing back from your hangover quickly enough to do it all over again are gone. Some will take the slide into their 30s gracefully, while others…won’t. Here are 15 signs you’re entering your quarter-life crisis.


You can no longer find joy in your birthdays

Birthdays were awesome when you were younger. Toys, cake, booze (after the legal age was reached, of course), and everybody celebrating the miracle of you being brought into the world! After a while, however, they just serve to remind you that your energy will just flag quicker, eyesight will only deteriorate, and your boobs will never be as perky again.


You break up with your longtime partner

You’ve been dating the same person since you were both 16, and have just realized that this means you could go your whole life without ever sleeping with someone else. You break up with your longtime partner in order to “sow your wild oats,” but will soon realize the horrors of the dating world your cushy relationship was shielding you from.


You dig out your old clothes from high school

It’s time to re-rock those bell bottom jeans, scrunchies, disco vests, and denim-on-denim outfits. You want to mix up your wardrobe and seem hip and cool again, but you may have forgotten that those things went out of style for a reason.


You start regressing when it comes to family

You have worked for the better part of a decade to establish a more mature relationship with your parents and siblings, but that’s all about to go out the window. Part of your quarter-life crisis involves shedding faux layers of adulthood and picking fights with your loved ones. You know, for old time’s sake. Plus, you get defensive when they start questioning the litany of other bad choices you’ve been making lately.


You quit your job in spectacular fashion with absolutely no plan for afterwards

So you told your boss to f*** off and held a satisfying tirade against your coworkers, in which you reeled off, in excruciating detail, all the ways in which they sucked, in front of the whole office. Immensely satisfying? Yes. Will it fill you with a bursting sense of righteousness? Absolutely. Will you walk out the office door and suddenly be filled with paralyzing dread because you have no idea where to go now? You know it.


You buy a one-way ticket to anywhere

Forget it, you’re ready to slag off your whole life and start over somewhere new. It doesn’t matter where, except that there was a cheap ticket there and you can access some type of visa to let you into the country. Speaking from experience, this could be the best decision of your life. But alas, it still remains a telltale sign of your quarter-life crisis.


You start (or continue) to date entirely inappropriate people

You may have been doing this all along, or you may have been in the aforementioned high school sweetheart relationship. But you’re no longer interested in forming lasting relationships – you just want a funny story to tell at the bar to your friends. Or a good lay. They don’t always have to be mutually exclusive.


You use the phrase “YOLO”

Even in the midst of crisis-mode, this is never OK. Stop that right now.


You buy a new bicycle

When 50-year-olds have their mid-life crises, they buy a sports car. But since you haven’t racked up a cool hundred thousand in savings by your mid-20s, you’re going to have to keep the budget a bit lower.


You sell all your investments in “old” sectors

Forget real estate, banks, or insurance companies. You want your money to be investing in the future! We’re talking Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, that weird Angry Birds game, etc. If you can’t be young anymore, at least your investments can. Plus, dumping all that old stock gives you the dough to buy that sweet, sweet bicycle!


You try to launch your own startup

Maybe investing in young startups isn’t quite enough for you. You’re ready to take that idea you had of a waterbed for the beach (you can just fill it up with ocean water – brilliant, no?!) to the next level. Get ready to sink all your savings, and then some, into your newest endeavor, and to start begging your friends in marketing, graphic design, and computer coding to do you some massive favors. You did help them move that one time, after all.


You buy $1,000 worth of health supplements

You have realized that your body is slowly breaking down, and you’re ready to do almost anything to stop the inevitable process of aging. Miracle elixirs of life that guarantee to take off five to 10 years? You’re all over it. Too bad it’s actually made up of a mixture of horse fertilizer, dung beetle, and sugar water.


You stop shaving, grow dreadlocks or wax off your eyebrows to change up your looks

Similar to the wardrobe reinvention, you’re ready to dramatically revolutionize your look. Just please be sure to make decisions when sober, and to consult at least three different friends before you get the tattoo of that “Game of Thrones” character on your back. GOT won’t be cool forever, you know.


You take up surfing

Similar to those going through their mid-life crises, you want to take up a sport that makes you feel young and adventurous! And skydiving is too expensive. Invest in a wetsuit and board and hit the beach, especially since you have all this free time since walking out on your job. You can just shack up in a little beach hut and live off the ocean. Right? RIGHT?!


Go to graduate school

Congratulations, you finally finished paying off your loans from undergrad school! So naturally it’s time to do the only rational thing: take out more loans for a graduate degree that still might not be in the field you end up working in for the rest of your life. Enjoy 15 more years of student debt, my friends. At least you’ll get to pretend you’re doing something productive in the meantime. It’ll make it easier on you when you graduate and embark on a six-month futile job hunt that results in you crying over your master’s degree every night.