
15 Stunning African Flowers, Some Of Which You Should Never Touch

15 Stunning African Flowers, Some Of Which You Should Never Touch

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Mother nature can be kind when she shows her beautiful creations, but beauty can sometimes be a cruel disguise for danger. Here are 15 stunning African flowers, some of which you should never touch. They can hurt you!

Sources: Theflowerexpert.com, Krugerpark.co.za, Wikipedia.org

Challiyil Eswaramangalat/Flickr.com

1. Scadoxus Multiflorus, Somalia

This strongly toxic flower is easily recognized by its brilliant red dandelion-like bulb. Many farmers often comb their landscapes to get rid of these plants, as they can potentially kill off their goats and sheep that munch on them. Regardless of their potency, they’re certainly pleasant to look at (from afar).

Also found in: Ivory Coast, Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone

christ flower
Duy Thuong Ngo/Flickr.com

2. Christ Flower – Madagascar

Uniquely named for the flower’s resemblance to a crown of thorns, Christ flower (Euphorbia milii) can be admired at a safe distance. Its sap can be poisonous (not lethal), so it’s heavily advised not to pluck it. Otherwise, itchy irritable skin and a upset stomach will be in store for you.

african moon daisy
Benjamin W. Martin/Flickr.com

3. African Moon Daisy – Namibia

Would you believe us if we told you that some plants can be hermaphrodites? The African moon daisy has both the female and male florets, making it quite easy to grow. It’s clear how this flower would earn its simple name due to its eclipse-like bulb.

impala lily

4. Impala Lily – Zambia

If you recollect seeing Africans in documentaries using poisonous darts to take down a game animal, you’ll be pleased to learn that it was the impala lily they gathered the toxins from. This stunning flower spurts milky toxic alkaloids that can also be used to stun fish.

Also found in Mozambique and Southeastern Africa

flame lily
Eran Finkle/Flickr.com

5. Flame Lily – Zimbabwe

Like the African moon daisy, the flame lily is also a hermaphrodite and is the national flower of Zimbabwe. In fact, Queen Elizabeth received a diamond-brooch in shape of a flame lily as a gift from the president of Zimbabwe (then Rhodesia). Whether she knew of the flower’s cross-sex or not, is anyone’s guess.

hydnora africana
Derek Keats/Flickr.com

6. Hydnora Africana – Southern Africa

Feed me, Seymour! Looking like a plant from Mars, the hydnora africana is nonetheless, a flower with an unique advantage. The plant has a feces-like smell that attracts dung beetles into its trap. Once the unsuspecting beetle enters inside the monstrous stems, the flower snaps shut and swallows the beetle whole for a midnight snack.


7. Monotes Kerstingii – Tropical West Africa

Found mostly in dry savanna, this flower grows in trees heavily harvested for their wood. Locals believe the tree’s leaves and stems can successfully treat jaundice, abscess and fractures.

Also found in: Guinea, Mali, Sudan, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Nigeria

Forest and Kim Starr/Flickr.com

8. Vachellia Farnesiana – Ethiopia

This flower is known for its pleasant scent, and is is often harvested for perfumes. Its bark is used for tannin and its leaves are used for tamarind seasoning. When venturing upon this special plant, take time to smell it in its natural state.


9. Asphodelus – Algeria

You’ll hear this plant come up in Greek mythology and poems by Tennyson and Longfellow. Even Harry Potter uses this flower in one of his many spells — it grows well in Europe. The asphodelus is easily recognizable by its towering white flowers and is often found basking in the hot desert sun of the Maghreb.

Also found in: Libya, Morocco and Tunisa

crinum macwoanii

10. Crinum Macowanii – Seychelles

With closed buds that resemble toothpaste, this flower has a unique appeal. It’s usually found on mountaintops exposed to sunlight. Be sure to look for it in the evening. Its buds only opens up at night, releasing sweet scents.

Also found in: South Africa and Somalia

african tulip
Alan Levine/Flickr.com

11. African Tulip – Ghana

Attractive to hummingbirds and other local birds by its inviting colors, African tulips are a pleasant sight. Although not toxic, their yellow buds can stain your fingers if you touch them, making them fun for local children to play with.

Also found in: Angola, Ethiopia, Zambia, Uganda and Kenya

Owen Fuller/Flickr.com

12. African Poinsetta – Congo

When thinking of poinsettas, chances are you’re thinking of the famous Christmas flowers with their bright red leaves. This flower is full of toxins, but only enough to make you feel ill, contrary to urban legends of poinsettas killing people upon consumption. Don’t let its deadly reputation scare you off. But also don’t eat it. 

jacinta lluch valero/Flickr.com

13. White Mouth Dayflower – Burkina Faso

Don’t be startled and spasmodically swat this plant away. Alternatively known by its Latin name, commelina erecta, this flower is appreciated for its glimmery colors and shapes that make it resemble an insect.

Also found in: Senegal, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Guinea and Nigeria

Phil Sellens/Flickr.com

14. Toadflax – Morocco

Contrary to it’s amphibian name, this gorgeous flower has no characteristics of a toad. Toadflax flowers are known to secrete special edible oils that are often found in local cooking. And don’t worry, if you kiss it, you won’t get warts.

Also found in: Algeria

desert rose
Ludger Heide/Flickr.com

15. Desert Rose – Angola

The desert rose (adenium) can be easily repotted due to its thick stems. It grows slowly and is extremely tolerant to neglect (drought). Its poisonous sap has been used for arrows to take down game, much like its cousin, the impala lily. It’s native to Northeastern and Eastern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.

Also found in: Zambia and South Africa