
15 Funny Inventions You Can Actually Buy

15 Funny Inventions You Can Actually Buy

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These inventions aren’t getting as much coverage as SnapChat or the husband pillow (it’s worth looking into if you’re not familiar with it). They’ll solve problems you didn’t even realize you had. Here are 15 funny inventions that deserve more attention.



Baby shower cap

Showering a baby and keeping water out of his or her eyes is a two-person job. Not any more with the baby shower cap, which coincidentally makes your baby look like an old woman in an aerobics class and is adorable.

Source: Amazon.com


The stroller-scooter

What if you could combine taking your baby out for some fresh air and running some errands? Usually you can’t get anywhere fast when you’re pushing a stroller. With the stroller-scooter, you’ll put the wheels to work for you.

Source: Gizmag.com


The dry side bench

There’s not much to do about wet wooden furniture except wait for it to dry. Unless, of course, you have a bench with boards you can rotate, like one of those rotating drying cloths in a public bathroom.

Source: Yankodesign.com



Light-up slippers

Nightlights in the wall can only do so much, but they can’t keep you from running into things at knee level and waking up with bruises on your legs. In come the light-up slippers.

Source: Amazon.com


The ping pong door

Usually a ping pong table means dedicating the better part of a room to ping pong. A ping pong table doesn’t exactly scream elegance in the dining room—it dictates the vibe of the room. With a ping pong door, you can turn a room from business to party in a second.

Source: Odditymall.com



The lunch bag that will never be stolen

Nobody at the office is going to mistake your sandwich for theirs when it appears to be covered in mold.

Source: Perpetualkid.com



The dogbrella

Your dog, like most dogs, probably hates wearing a raincoat. And even if he does like wearing one, it needs to be dried off outside. The dogbrella lets your dog feel unencumbered by clothes on his walk, and can just be dumped in the umbrella bucket with the others when you’re done.

Source: Amazon.com



Pizza scissors

We can all stop pretending that pizza cutters are shaped even closely to what we need to dish a slice out. Plus, the little rolling ones are tedious. Pizza scissors get a precisely cut slice that’s ready to be served.

Source: Surlatable.com



Motorized ice cream cone

Instead of racing to lick the exposed, melting side of your cone before it drips everywhere, just let the motorized cone rotate it for you.

Source: Pepertualkid.com


Pen cap eating utensils

“No. I don’t have any pens that you can borrow (and will never give back.) As you can see, all I have is a cup full of utensils.”

Source: Geekalerts.com


Butter stick type

What if you didn’t have to repeatedly jam your knife back into the tub of margarine, getting crumbs all over it, just to properly butter your toast? Sounds nice, right?

Source: Trendhunter.com



Glass toaster

Speaking of perfect toast, having to pop up your toast and push it back in several times during the process to make sure you get it right is a pain. The glass toaster eliminates that pain. But you can no longer look at your reflection in your toaster.

Source: Gizmodo.com



Staircase drawers

Members of the tiny house movement, and just those who want to downsize and minimize, will love this idea. That space under the stairs is just wasted space. Or a home for a ghost. Why not use it for your T-shirts?

Source: Inhabitat.com



Two-way toothpaste

Never argue with your spouse again about the fact that he never squeezes from the bottom of the tube. Maybe you can even have some sort of “Lady and the Tramp” moment where you’re both pasting up simultaneously.

Source: Brandpackaging.com


The baby mop

Hey, that baby will eventually grow up to be a mess-making machine of a teenager. Why not let him pay his dues forward with the baby mop? Not to mention he looks like an adorable hedgehog creature in that thing and the extra padding from the scrubbers is easy on the baby’s joints.

Source: Betterthanpants.com