
12 Little Known Benefits Of Moroccan Argan Oil

12 Little Known Benefits Of Moroccan Argan Oil

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Argan oil comes from kernels of the argan tree, endemic to Morocco. Moroccans dip bread in at breakfast or drizzle it on pasta or couscous. It’s getting a reputation around the world as a high-end ingredient for gourmet food and personal-care products. You might have considered buying a little bottle off the shelf of your hair salon, but decided you couldn’t justify the cost. Check out the benefits of the sweet-smelling stuff. You may be willing to splurge. Here are 12 little-known benefits of Moroccan argan oil.

Source: Undergroundhealthreporter.com, Naturallivingideas.com


Improves cholesterol

For this you’ll want to make sure you’re buying the edible variety and not the hair salon variety. Argan oil for cooking can help stop the absorption of bad cholesterol in the intestinal tract.



Makes skin look younger

Argan oil can work as an antioxidant on the skin, meaning it can stop the production of free radicals. This makes skin look plumper and reduces the appearance of wrinkles while moisturizing.



Treats eczema

If you suffer from a skin condition like eczema that causes your skin to be dry and flaky, argan oil may reduce the symptoms. The oil contains fatty acids and vitamin E which heal damaged skin and prevent dryness or irritation.



Improves digestion

Some of those who sell argan oil claim it improves the quality of your body’s gastric juices, making every part of digestion more efficient. This can mean a smaller appetite, reduced bloating and more energy.



Works like lip balm

If you’re in a climate where your lips are perpetually dry, rub a couple of drops of argan oil into your lips in the morning. You won’t have to reapply every few hours as you would with lip balm.


Reduces the appearance of acne

If your cause of acne is oily skin, then finding a moisturizer that doesn’t make it worse can be tough. Argan oil is non greasy and a natural moisturizer, so it won’t make skin oilier. It also acts as an anti inflammatory, so it can reduce the size and appearance of red pimples.



Prevents stretch marks

The vitamin E in argan oil increases the skin’s elasticity, making it great for pregnant women. Rubbing the oil on the stomach, breasts and other areas prone to sagging during pregnancy can reduce the risk of stretch marks after pregnancy.



Heals calloused feet

While many moisturizers will just temporarily make hardened, calloused feet feel soft, argan oil gets absorbed deep in the skin and can soften these areas over time.

Bliss for your feet ThinkStockPhotos
Bliss for your feet

Strengthens nails

Argan oil contains some of the same vitamins as pre-natal vitamins, which strengthen hair and nails. Rubbing a few drops of the oil over your nails can strengthen brittle or dry nails.


Heals UV damage

The antioxidants in argan oil can help heal UV-damaged skin. The oil can reduce the appearance of sunspots and soften skin that’s been hardened by too much sun exposure.



Helps treat diabetes and hypertension

A diet rich in argan oil can actually fight insulin resistance and lower blood pressure as well as treat other obesity related illnesses.


Improves the lives of women in Morocco

You’re not just helping yourself when you buy argan oil—you’re helping communities of women in Morocco. All argan production takes place in Moroccan women’s cooperatives that share the profits with Berber tribes.