Introducing Social Media Week Johannesburg To The Local Market

Written by Makula Dunbar


Social Media Week (SMW) Johannesburg managing director, Sherry Bitting, spoke with AFKInsider about putting her background in PR and marketing to the test to create this event. Through Digisense, she and a team applied and earned the license to organize SMW Johannesburg, which will take place September 22-26. In part three of the interview she talks about introducing SMW to the local and global market, as well as the evolution of Africa’s SMW offering.

“A lot of what we’re doing now is educating the market and letting them know that this isn’t your traditional tech conference. It really only exists through the collaboration and contributions from the community. We’re in the process of getting event ideas and stuff now,” Bitting said in July. “Our next big push will be registration.”

View: Part One, Part Two

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