How A Digital Agency Is Bringing Social Media Week To Johannesburg

Written by Makula Dunbar


Social Media Week (SMW) Johannesburg managing director, Sherry Bitting, spoke with AFKInsider about putting her background in PR and marketing to the test to create this event. Through Digisense, she and a team applied and earned the license to organize SMW Johannesburg, which will take place September 22-26. In part one of the interview she talks about the coordination process and the global SMW tech network.

“Last August we sent in our bid. We actually found out that the guys who own SMW was a company by the name of Crowdcentric. [They] sent a list of cities that they were interested in coming into and Johannesburg was one of the cities,” Bitting said. “Every city has a different organizer; it’s a combination of agencies, groups of freelancers — various organizations worldwide.”

View: Part Two, Part Three

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