
10 Ways to Eat S’mores That Will Change Your Life

10 Ways to Eat S’mores That Will Change Your Life

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S’mores, also known as God’s gift to the world, are already perfect. If you’re unfamiliar with the heavenliness of s’more, here are the steps: stick a marshmallow on a stick. Roast over an open flame until golden brown (or, for the less talented, completely charred after you’ve accidentally set it on fire). Place between two graham crackers with a stick of chocolate squished in there. Consume, and prepare to have marshmallow over your face/hands/life for the next week. But for those looking to up their s’more game a bit, read on for some next-level creations that will leave you salivating. Seriously, can I get a napkin over here? Here are 10 ways to eat s’mores that will change your life.

Sources: TheKitchn.com, Sunset.com, HuffingtonPost.com, TheStir.CafeMom.com, Parentables.HowStuffWorks.com


Salty Caramel Bacon S’more

Take your basic s’more recipe, but substitute regular chocolate for chocolate with salted caramel in the middle, and throw some bacon in there, because when didn’t bacon make everything better? For those looking to be seriously authentic, cook your bacon over an open flame.

Ingredients: Graham cracker + bacon + chocolate with salted caramel + marshmallow


Elvis S’more

Although I have no clue why it’s called an Elvis S’more, the man had good ideas if it was indeed his invention. Switch your regular chocolate for a Reese’s peanut butter cup (remember, there’s no wrong way to eat a Reese’s), and chuck some banana in there with your ‘mallow.

Ingredients: Graham cracker + Reese’s peanut butter cup + banana + marshmallow


Grasshopper S’more

Similar to the after-dinner cocktail, the Grasshopper, this s’more takes on a minty twist when you switch out regular chocolate for mint chocolates. It can almost be considered the same as brushing your teeth, if by brushing your teeth, you wanted to get more cavities rather than eliminate them.

Ingredients: Graham cracker + Andes mint chocolate + marshmallow


Oreo S’more

Oreos make everything better, so chuck some Oreo crumbles into your s’more to step up your game a notch. For the truly committed, you can even switch regular graham crackers for the chocolate variety, and throw in white chocolate instead of regular to balance out the chocolatey-ness of the Oreo. Then devour.

Ingredients: Chocolate graham cracker + marshmallow + white chocolate + Oreo crumbles


PBJ and S’more

Peanut butter jelly time, y’all! Take the childhood (and adulthood, for those that still haven’t mastered the kitchen) favorite into the s’more category by throwing peanut butter and jelly onto your graham cracker before you toss on the roasted marshmallow, and you have yourself a balanced meal. Or something like that.

Ingredients: Graham cracker + marshmallow + peanut butter + jelly


Lemon Meringue S’more

For those looking for a more gourmet option, try subbing out chocolate for a lemon curd concoction (this may require some preparation in advance), and you’ve got yourself a twist on the classic lemon meringue pie. Because what pie isn’t better when you put marshmallows on it?

Ingredients: Graham cracker + lemon curd + marshmallow


Mexican S’more

Though they may not actually make this in Mexico (seriously, where do some of these names come from?), that shouldn’t stop you from sampling the Mexican S’more. Take your standard recipe, but “season” your finished product with cinnamon and nutmeg before squashing the graham crackers together for a guaranteed flavorgasm.

Ingredients: Graham cracker + marshmallow + chocolate + cinnamon + nutmeg


Nutella S’more

It’s Nutella. If you’re not already adding it to everything, you’re missing out. And I mean everything – sandwiches, cereal, meat loaf, salads, spoons – you get the point. Everything.

Ingredients: Graham cracker + marshmallow + chocolate + Nutella


Caribbean S’more

For those looking for a tropical twist, toss some shaved coconut into your s’more, and you’ll swear you’re on the beach (granted, you may actually be on the beach, as those are fantastic places for a s’more bonfire). You can also switch out the chocolate for a Bounty or Mounds bar, which already combine your chocolate and coconut for you.

Ingredients: Graham cracker + marshmallow + chocolate + coconut

Flickr.com Robert S. Donovan
Robert S. Donovan

Brownie Cookie S’more

If you have the foresight to plan your s’more consumption early on, try baking up some brownie cookies to replace the standard chocolate in your s’more. The gooey chocolate brownie adds some seriously next-level textures and flavors, and it means that you get to make yourself sick from eating far too much brownie mix before you even start to make yourself sick from eating far too many s’mores.

Ingredients: Graham cracker + Brownie cookie + marshmallow