
Why Value Added Processing in Food Distribution Matters [Part 2 of 3]

Why Value Added Processing in Food Distribution Matters [Part 2 of 3]


Global food marketing firm Talier Trading Group has long ago expanded to servicing Africa’s emerging markets. However, the company is still focused on nurturing the developmental and cultural aspects of the continent’s food offerings. Managing director Jim Thaller sat down to speak with AFKInsider about the company’s transition. In part two of the interview, Thaller talks about value added processing and the ground rules of food distribution.

“By population, the industry is extremely SME friendly. I would say about 80 percent of the population involved in the specialty food industry is a small-scale producer.Making that shift from preparing foods at home or using an age old recipe or what have you — taking that and commercializing it is actually quite difficult,” Thaller said about food distribution.

View: Part One, Part Three