
Dunk It, Toast It Or Sandwich It: 10 Delicious African Bread Recipes

Dunk It, Toast It Or Sandwich It: 10 Delicious African Bread Recipes

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Are you one of the rebels who ignores the fitness magazines that tell you bread is bad? If you’re always looking for your next fix of fluffy, crunchy, nutty, doughy, flaky and amazing bread, then you’ll love these 10 African bread recipes.




Chapati is a heavenly bread that is sort of like a hybrid between a crepe and a pita, with a really doughy and bubbly outside, and fluffy inside. It tastes amazing with curries, or even just rolled up, sprinkled with some salt or sugar, and eaten solo. Just one side of the chapati is browned, while the other remains soft and doughy.

Source: StellasMeza.blogspot.com




Injera is the super thin and spongy bread you’ll find lining the bottom of the platters of Ethiopian food. It’s usually brown because it’s made from the nutritious teff flour, which also gives it a nice nutty flavor. The tiny holes in the bread make it great for soaking in the generous sauces of Ethiopian food, and it’s used in place of utensils.

Source: Exploratorium.com



Vetkoek is used sort of like a burger bun, and in many cases like a hoagie roll, in South African food. It’s usually split down the middle or hollowed out and stuffed with ground meat. It has a semi-sweet and delightfully crispy outside that’s deep friend, with a dense and chewy inside. These might be your new favorite burger buns!

Source: Getaway.co.za



South African Seed Bread

For those of you who like a really hearty, dense and nutritious bread, you’ll love this recipe. South African seed bread is loaded with different types of high-nutrient flours and seeds, like wheat bran, sesame seeds, flax seeds and wholewheat flour for a bread that’s rich in flavor, and tastes equally good toasted with some deli meats or heated up and smothered with jam and butter.

Source: McGacanola.org


South African Rusks

Rusks are South Africa’s version of the dinner roll or biscuit. They’re buttery, flaky, and fill your kitchen with an incredibly tempting aroma. What makes them really good is the drinking yogurt that’s often used instead of butter, giving them a sweet and salty flavor and moist dough. This recipe calls for buttermilk, but feel free to substitute in your favorite drinking yogurt.

Source: DramaticPancake.com


Liberian Rice Bread

Liberian rice bread is like Liberia’s banana bread: it’s sweetened with ripe plantains, very dense, and can easily be eaten for breakfast or dessert. In traditional recipes, you’d use country rice — a starchy, unprocessed version found in Liberian markets. But this recipe substitutes in cream of rice, making the bread nice and moist.

Source: African-Recipes-Secrets.com


Puff Puffs

These are a popular street food and snack in Tanzania, and are like slightly savory doughnut holes. They’re made of simple dough, but sweetened with a little nutmeg giving them their unique flavor. Consider serving these with a little fresh cream for a dessert.

Source: DmvAfricans.com


East African Coconut Bread

This bread is sweet with a little spice from the cardamom, and is often compared to a doughnut because it’s very light and fluffy on the inside, but it is deep-fried. It can be eaten for breakfast but because of its coconut flavor, tastes delicious with a light, creamy curry for lunch or dinner.



Coconut Rolls

OK so we have two coconut recipes in a row, but this one just could not be skipped. This is actually a pastry filled with a decadent filling of grated coconut, evaporated milk, vanilla essence, margarine and nutmeg. It comes out sweet, creamy and slightly custardy. You may never buy another cinnamon roll again after trying these.

Source: Africa-Recipes-Secrets.com


Durban Naan Bread

You might associate naan bread with Indian food, but South Africa has its own version and it’s delicious. Very different from the flat Indian naan, Durban naan comes out round and fluffy, like a large roll or round bread loaf. There is a good amount of melted butter and yogurt in the dough, making it very moist. Finally it’s topped off with some crunchy poppy seeds. Use it to dunk into sauces, or slice it in half to make a large sandwich.

Source: FoodLikeAmmausedToMakeIt.info