
10 February Food And Drink Holidays To Celebrate

10 February Food And Drink Holidays To Celebrate

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Every day in February is a food holiday, celebrating a different food or beverage — from tortellini to pistachios, crab-stuffed flounder to margaritas and even dog biscuits. So how do food holidays even come about? Believe it or not, the U.S. president actually has the power to proclaim a certain day devoted to a particular food. So does Congress and state and local legislatures. National food day observances can also get started by brands and even by word of mouth. Here are 10 excuses to indulge during the shortest month of the year with a multitude of food and drink holidays.


1. Cream Cheese Brownie Day

Observed on Feb. 10, this is by far my favorite food holiday of the month, combining two of my favorite desserts.


2. National Tortellini Day

Make sure to order tortellini on Feb. 13. The day devoted to these delicious stuffed pastas originated in either Bologna or Modena, depending on who you talk to. Both cities claim it as their creation.


3. National Cafe Au Lait Day

Feb. 17 is a particularly popular date when it comes to food holidays, as it celebrates not only coffee, but is also National Cabbage Day and National Indian Pudding Day! This isn’t the only super-popular food holiday. Nearly every day of the year is dedicated to at least one type of food.


4. Drink Wine Day

What would food be without wine to wash it down? On Feb. 18, you can drink a toast to crab-stuffed flounder  — yep this is that dish’s special day — and make sure you serve it with a nice bottle of red or white, as this is also Drink Wine Day.


5. National Margarita Day

As we just learned, food holidays aren’t only about food, they also feature popular libations. And Feb 20. is all about the tequila when National Margarita Day is celebrated.


6. National Cherry Pie Day

I’m not quite sure why this one falls in February, as it seems like such a summery dish, but maybe they want us thinking ahead to warmer weather in the dead of winter. Either way, cherry pies are honored on Feb. 22.

Sarah McCormick Photography, @sarahkate818
Sarah McCormick Photography, @sarahkate818

7. Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day

My dogs, Duke and Bobbi, hijacked the keyboard to include this one, easily their favorite day of the month. Celebrated on Feb. 23, it shares the date with National Banana Bread Day.


8. National Pistachio Day

Grab a handful of the salty green nuts on Feb. 26, which is also National Chili Day. Besides government, national food day observances can also get started by brands and even word of mouth.


9. National Kahlua Day

February’s second national drink day is dedicated to a south-of-the-border cocktail. National Kahlua Day takes place on Feb. 27, along with National Strawberry Day.


10. National Chocolate Souffle Day

Finish the last day of February with love, indulging in a decadent chocolate souffle on Feb. 28. During leap years, however, the last day of the month is devoted to Surf ‘n Turf Day, which only gets its moment in the spotlight once very four years.