
Our Favorite Things About 10 Fad Diets

Our Favorite Things About 10 Fad Diets

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If you’re the type of person who functions on the everything-in-moderation mindset, then maybe you’ll like picking and choosing the things you like about these top fad diets and popular eating regimens, and skipping the other parts. Here are our favorite things about 10 fad diets and other eating regimens that you can incorporate into however you like to eat.




Vegetarianism can be a huge money saver. Think about it: the average American should consume 46-to-56 grams of protein per day, according to WebMd.com. An eight-ounce chicken breast can run you $2 to $4 in the grocery store, and that contains more than 50 grams of protein. You don’t need all that in one meal. Meanwhile, one can of organic beans can run you around $1. There are usually three cups of beans in a can, and just one cup contains 16 grams of protein. So you could eat a third of a cup and get one meal’s worth of protein. That’s about 33 cents for your protein for one meal, compared to the $3 you spent on protein overload with chicken.


Raw veganism

Raw vegans eat most of their food raw, only allowing for certain foods to be cooked under very specific guidelines. Imagine never having to keep an eye on the food sautéing on the stove again? Never having to clean another pan? Never overcooking and destroying something? Sounds like a nice break.


The Baby Food Diet

No fork and knife! No taking time to cut your food up! That’s kind of great for the lazy eater. Furthermore, the reason for that is that you’re eating pre-blended, pre-packaged food, which makes it very easy to monitor your portions.


The Blood-Type Diet

Based on the idea that certain blood types digest certain foods better than others, this is actually one of the easiest diets to follow. First of all, there is the Blood Type Diet app which lets you check which foods you can eat. But it’s also one of the less intense elimination diets, so you’re not left feeling hungry.



Liquid diets

One such diet called The Clean Program consists of two smoothies a day and one solid meal. Our favorite thing about this? It’s the least time-consuming diet. You can safely “eat” two of your meals driving, walking, shopping — you name it. You can even consume one in the middle of a business meeting without looking rude.



Portioned rich foods

Many women are getting on board with this non-diet diet. Some call it the “French Woman’s Diet.” Essentially, it consists of eating rich foods in very small portions. What’s not to love about that? You never look at a food and think, “That’s off limits to me!” Every day you wake up, you don’t know what your plate might bring you, versus other diets where you know exactly what you’ll eat every day — not too exciting.




When you go gluten-free, you instantly cut out tons of empty calories. You’re switching to alternative pastas and breads like brown rice and quinoa-based ones, which are loaded with fiber and protein. Gluten is also in a lot of store-bought salad dressings and sauces, which offer practically zero nutrition, but tons of sugar and salt. Essentially, your diet becomes much more efficient without gluten.




We can’t promise you it will help you lose weight, but one Elle.com writer reported that while on paleo she finally saw muscle definition in places she’d never seen it before. Hey: it is based on what our ancestors tens of thousands of years ago were eating, and from the Natural History Museum renditions, they look pretty ripped.


Breakfast like a queen, lunch like a commoner and dinner like a pauper

This isn’t a specific diet, but rather a rough outline many nutritionists might tell you to follow, and within it, you can eat the foods of your choice. The idea is that the earlier in the day you consume your high-calories meals, the more hours you have to burn them off. What we like about it is that this way of eating fuels your most taxing and busy hours. Think about it: you probably eat breakfast around 7 a.m. or 8 a.m. if you work a normal job, and that has to fuel you for four-to-six hours until lunchtime, so it should be a big meal!


Alkaline diet

The idea behind this diet is that eating mostly alkaline foods, balancing one’s pH levels and avoiding foods that create acidity in the body can mean a better complexion, improved digestion and a strengthened immune system. What we like about it is that it can help cut down on sugar cravings because, according to NaturalNews.com, the diet restricts all forms of processed sugars. And for those with a sweet tooth, you know how sugar cravings can derail even the strictest of dieters.