
10 Items To Remove From Your House For A Happier Life

10 Items To Remove From Your House For A Happier Life

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They may cause guilt, they may cause stress, they may have become invisible and now their only purpose is to cause clutter. Who needs them? These are 10 items to remove from your house for a happier life.


Your guilt foods

If you don’t have Reese’s Pieces in your house, you won’t eat them. When they’re in your house, you have no time to think before devouring half a bag. You say it’s just a few a day, but that’s 20 or more a week.


The scale

Everybody is different, and 120 pounds can look entirely different on a five-foot-six-inch-tall person than it does on another five-foot-six-inch-tall person. Trying to achieve some exact number might not right for your body. And you know what happens when you’re a few pounds above that number. You starve yourself or skip dinners or hide out for a few days. Check your weight at the gym or at the doctor’s office but other than that, eat meals you feel good about, exercise and stick to your general plan for a healthy lifestyle. You can tell by the fit of your clothes if you’re losing weight.



Weird kitchen appliances

You probably have five bulky appliances that you keep around just in case you need to make something fancy, like pumpkin puree. Just buy pumpkin puree at the store for a few dollars on that rare occasion, and get rid of that space-taking appliance.


Clothes you don’t absolutely love or need

Go through your closet and be brutally honest. If any items are a “maybe,” toss them. You won’t notice when they’re gone, and you will notice the reduced anxiety when you look for something in your roomier closet.



Whether it’s celebrity gossip or recipes you’re into, you can find them online. And at least, when you find them online, you’re looking for it. When you have fitness and gossip magazines lying around your house, you’ll be reminded of clutter every time you walk past your coffee table. You know those magazines aren’t full of headlines that make you feel good about yourself!



If you’re fortunate to live in a home with several rooms, there’s something calming and balancing about having each room serve a single purpose. The dining room is for dining, the kitchen is for cooking, bedrooms are for sleeping and so on. Round up all your electronics and put them in one room. That can be the entertainment room. Now, when you’re in the other rooms, you can enjoy them for what they are.



Bulletin board

That’s what we have Gcal and iCal for! A bulletin board only stresses you out for weeks about an event down the road. Or, it keeps you looking forward to something instead of enjoying the moment. Put your events and reminders in your electronic calendar — it can alert you when the time is right — and remove all those clippings of “To Do” lists and invitations.

Don't worry, that won't be there for long! ThinkStockPhotos
Don’t worry, that won’t be there for long!


Admit it: each time you see your reflection, you spend anywhere from three to 15 minutes thinking about something you need to change, buy, fix or hide. You need to go tanning, you need to buy clothes that suit your skin tone better, you need to do your roots, you need to lose five pounds. It’s OK to dedicate a little time each day to thinking of those things, but mirrors are just thieves of time. Put one in your bathroom and maybe one at the front door for last minute touch-ups and call it a day.


Board games

Decades ago, somebody made a rule that every living room had to be stocked with at least 10 board games as essential as the couch itself. But you know you only actually like or ever play one or two of those games, if any, and the others only make you sad thinking of all the fun you’re not having. You probably have a great social life and spend plenty of good time with your family away from those board games. They only take up space.



Home bar

Having a lavish, fully stocked home bar has a similar effect as having a dozen board games. Every time you pass it, you feel guilty that you don’t use it more/host more parties. Or you feel like you’re getting old because you’re not sipping out of those martini glasses every night. Or, even worse, you make yourself a drink when you don’t really want one, which is just extra calories and a potential hangover. Or worst of all, you do want a drink. You want one all the time, and this makes it far too easy. Keep a couple of your favorite bottles in a cabinet and one simple set of cocktail glasses — that’s all you need.