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Thursday 04.02 .2020

Cook County Jail Settlement: $7.5 Million In Payouts For Former Detainees Denied Prescription Drugs

Cook County, Illinois, has settled a class-action lawsuit with inmates who were refused needed medication over an eight-year period at Chicago’s Cook County Jail.

Dr. Fauci Is the New MSM Hero But He Downplayed COVID-19 Risk In February, Increasing The Body Bags

Dr. Anthony Fauci is now being touted as the truthsayer for the coronavirus pandemic, but there was a time when the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases urged the public not to be too worried about COVID-19.

‘It Does Not Care Who You Are’: DJ Jazzy Jeff Diagnosed With Pneumonia, Suspects COVID-19

Hip-hop icon DJ Jazzy Jeff — real name, Jeffrey Allen Townes — has been diagnosed with pneumonia and announced that he believes he was infected with COVID-19. 

Michigan Engineering Student Dies Of Coronavirus Weeks Before Graduation, Was Repeatedly Denied Testing

The Detroit native’s death was confirmed by school and county officials, following a university report that the school had three confirmed coronavirus cases.

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COVID-19 Crisis: Virtual Zoom Funerals Are Getting Popular

More than 100 people attended the Feb. 29 funeral of retired janitor Andrew J. Mitchell, in Albany, a small Georgia city of 75,000 people. Within weeks, Albany was swamped with coronavirus cases. At least 490 confirmed coronavirus cases have been reported in Dougherty County and at least 29 coronavirus-related deaths.