How To Repurpose Your Podcast

Learning how to repurpose your podcast into different content types means you are finding new and creative ways to share your message consistently. Photo by Jonathan Farber on Unsplash

Based on the feedback from how to get started with podcasts, we understand that a lot of time and effort goes into creating a podcast episode. They can be an effective way to promote your brand. 32 percent of Americans listen to podcasts at least once a month (that’s approximately 150 million people!). 

Repurposing your podcasts into different formats can help you reach that 68 percent of Americans who aren’t frequent podcast listeners

The Benefits of Repurposing Your Podcast 

Your podcast has a gold mine of valuable information, and it’s not enough to let it just exist in its crisp-clear audio format. Using content from your podcast on other channels can help you reach a larger audience and develop brand awareness. Repurposing your podcast into different content types means you are finding new and creative ways to share your message consistently. 

Your podcast may be epic, but your social media followers might not know that. 

One tactic many publishers use is to pull quotes from an episode and turn them into social media graphics. It can create awareness and interest in your podcast. 

Pro Tip: As your audience grows over time, you should consider promoting older podcast episodes. Your new followers may not know about specific episodes and might be interested in them. 

Another benefit of this strategy is that it can boost your industry authority. If you want people to trust you or your brand, you’re going to have to give them a good reason to. Podcasts can demonstrate your knowledge and connect you with people quickly and easily. The more that you share your expertise in your niche, the more likely you are to establish industry authority.

The third major benefit of repurposing your podcast content is that it saves you time! Most content creators can tell you how exhausting it can be to create fresh and new content day after day. It’s not creatively sustainable because it takes so much time and effort, and can often lead to a creative block!

A Few Ways To Repurpose Your Podcast

Blog Post

Turning your podcast into a blog post can help with your SEO rankings. 

Some companies like to transcribe every word of their podcast, and it might suit you better to create a blog post summarizing what was covered, throwing quotes from the podcast in there as you please. This can give you free rein to edit and in target keywords which will ultimately help with your ranking.

Show Notes

Show notes are featured in the info section of podcasts. Some brands also opt to include them on their website, and they usually cover:

There is a slight difference from show notes compared to blog posts. Show notes cover the topics discussed in the podcast in a skimmable format and don’t go into great detail about what was covered in the episode. Blog posts tend to be a more in-depth summary of what was spoken about in the podcast. Show notes are one way to give people who are considering listening, a glimpse of what will be covered. Blog posts are for those who would prefer to read versus listening.


Do you want to appeal to your more visual audience? Take what you discussed in your podcast and turn it into an infographic. You can cover the main highlights of the episode and entice more viewers. 

Moreover, it’s a great way to introduce the visual branding of your business, and we all know that your branding is one way to stay memorable! 

Infographics also have the bonus of being easily shareable online. The more attention it garners, the more likely you are to establish authority in your niche.

Social Media Posts

You can repurpose your podcast into social media content, and it’s also not a bad way to promote your podcast itself!

Try taking quotes or statistics, and then making them into fun graphics using free tools like Canva. This can assist you in engaging the more visual audience that you’ve built on social.

If you wanted to promote your podcast on your Instagram Story, you could create audiograms. These are audio files converted to video files, and they make great teasers for your podcast. 

Pro Tip: If you want to better engage your audience and put out a professional-looking graphic, pair a static image with moving audio waves, or add subtitles.

Create Related Lead Magnets to Build Your Email List

Depending on the marketing goals for your podcast, you may be aiming to grow your email list. One of the easiest ways to get that email address is to give your visitors something for free in exchange.

Lead magnets (or sometimes referred to as content offers) are downloadable content like a PDF checklist, workbook, video, whitepaper, or eBook. Most people are willing to give their email if they’re getting something valuable in return, so lead magnets are the perfect way to entice a person to share their email with you, thus growing your email list! 

For example, Melyssa Griffin had guest Tara Mohr on her podcast to discuss how to stop listening to your inner critic. The show notes included a workbook on how to listen to your inner mentor. Just hand over your email, and you got the workbook. That podcast episode page is also a great example of a killer “show notes” section – make sure to check it out for reference. 

You can do the same thing to grow your email list! If your podcast episode was about “how to start a blog”, then have a lead magnet with a checklist of how to start a blog. 

Utilize Your Podcast Email List

You can put your podcast content into your marketing emails! 📧 There are a few different types of content you can create and then include into your email campaigns such as:

Your email list is one of the most valuable marketing tools. Sharing your podcast in your weekly or monthly newsletter is a great promotion tactic, and can help garner additional listeners. 

Pro Tip: If you created lead magnets for new followers, don’t forget to share them with your current audience. Continuing to add value to your audience will earn their trust in the long-run.

Wrap Up

Podcasting is a great marketing tool, and it can be a simple process to get the most material out of. Repurposing your podcast is an effective strategy to make your content creation process more manageable, and ultimately give you more options when it comes to creating additional content. 

Who do you think is killing it in the podcast world? We would love to hear your recommendations below!

This article was originally published on The Disqus Blog at Disqus. It is reposted here with the permission of the author, Sabra Mwaura, marketing specialist at Disqus. Read the original.

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