
Awesome Board Games For Adults

Awesome Board Games For Adults

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Board games aren’t just for kids anymore. Some are too complicated to be understood by anybody under the age of 18, or too dirty that you wouldn’t want them to try. Either way, there’s no reason not to re-institute game night for your degenerate batch of friends. And, like most gatherings, if it also includes a few (or a few dozen) drinks, so much the better. For the purposes of this article, the word “board” is to be used very loosely.


Cards Against Humanity
Most people have heard about the game Apples to Apples, where one person is designated each round to pick the funniest answer for a topic. For example, the topic card could be “awkward” and answers could range from “my first kiss,” to “oil spills,” to “Regis Philbin.” But Cards Against Humanity, taglined as “A party game for horrible people,” takes it to the next level. An average game would see rounds such as “What do old people smell like?,” answered by “old-people smell.” Or, “What never fails to liven up a party?” Answer: “An unstoppable wave of fire ants.” And those are just the tame ones.


For those with the uncontrollable urge to shout things out, this is the game for you. One person does her best to describe something while others try to shout it out and guess what is on the card/screen (it comes in electronic and card versions). It’s like Taboo meets Hot Potato meets a group of adults with attention-seeking issues.


Trivial Pursuit
It’s been around for a while, but those questions are NOT meant for kids unless you were one of those kids who almost qualified for Teen Jeopardy. Either way, they are entirely too hard for the youngens, so anybody under the age of 18 or so (or anybody who has an IQ of under 100 or so) should be discouraged from participating.


As with Trivial Pursuit, Risk is a classic. But given that games take approximately three-to-seven days to finish, it’s rare that any kids have the patience to see a game through. Pick a few devoted adult friends instead so you can truly plot out your strategy to take over the world. Plus, kids always make the rookie mistake of conquering Australia, which everybody knows is useless and just delays the game for no reason.


Smart Ass
A little like Catchphrase, but there are no teams and you just need to yell out the answer to the Who, What, and Where Am I cards first. Everyone will think you’re a huge smartass, and you may lose a few friends in the process, but the victory will be worth it.


Settlers of Catan
Settlers is one of those games that will probably take you a few months to learn the rules to, but you’ll be hooked once you finally figure it out. Given this, I won’t even try to explain the rules, but think Risk meets Oregon Trail meets Dungeons and Dragons meets…like I said, it’s complicated.


Bananagrams is the speedier and more fun version of Scrabble, with way fewer rules (such as a game board) to hold you back. All you need to do is pick tiles and start making words, although everyone has their own “house rules” which vary. The options for themed rounds are endless – for example, you could play in French, or in pirate talk, or only words that can be found in Urban Dictionary. Kids just don’t have the creativity necessary to fully appreciate this one.


The Game of Things
It’s not necessarily cleverly named, but the Game of Things is exactly what it sounds like. Somebody picks a card and the topics range along the lines of “Things you wouldn’t lick,” or “Things that make you cry.” Everyone writes down an answer and the card-drawer has to guess who wrote what. This is included in the “adult” category because, as I’m sure you can imagine, things usually turn dirty very quickly.


For those that think animal noises are for children, think again. Snorta is an absolutely hilarious barnyard hootenanny, where everyone picks an animal and comes up with a sound (doesn’t necessarily have to be realistic). Cards are then drawn and whenever two or more players have matching cards, they need to snort out the other player’s noises first to win the round. So for anyone who enjoys seeing their usually straight-laced friends desperately snorting like a pig, this is the game for you.


Or just turn any game into a drinking game
It can be done with absolutely anything, including all of the above as well as the likes of Chutes and Ladders, Sorry, Monopoly, Pretty Pretty Princess, Guess Who…you get the idea.