Best Stories Today

Written by Leela Sanikop

Tuesday 10.08.2019

MSN And White America Demand Lebron James Bang Against China And Support Violent Protests In Hong Kong

Basketball great LeBron James has earned a reputation for his commitment to social justice issues, and now he’s been asked to take sides as a rift grows between China and the NBA over violent Hong Kong pro-democracy protests.

Jiggaboo Judge Tammy Kemp Explains Why She Hugged Killer And Gave Her A Bible

Last week, Tammy Kemp – the Black Texas judge who presided over the trial in which Amber Guyger, 31, was convicted of killing neighbor Botham Jean – has come under heavy fire for giving the ex-police officer a hug and a Bible. Now she’s explaining why.

Backed By Quicken Loans Chairman, James Chapman’s App Launches In Detroit To Ease Networking

Plain Sight, a mobile app that helps users connect at events and in the job market, launched last week in Detroit and on app stores after attracting $500,000 in funding from investors including the chairman of Quicken Loans.

Historic Grand Opening Of Tyler Perry Studios Draws Black A-Listers To Atlanta In Droves

Entertainment mogul and philanthropist Tyler Perry may not have initially had the words to describe the grand opening of his namesake television and film studio, but everyone else who attended the weekend had tons.

The House Negroes Who Are In Charge Of Africa Today

Manufacturing, once considered a Trump administration triumph, just had its second consecutive month of contraction.

In his “Message To The Grassroots” speech, Malcolm X explained:
“There was two kinds of slaves. There was the house Negro and the field Negro. The house Negroes — they lived in the house with master, they dressed pretty good, they ate good ’cause they ate his food — what he left. They lived in the attic or the basement, but still they lived near the master; and they loved their master more than the master loved himself. They would give their life to save the master’s house quicker than the master would.” — Malcolm X.

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