
100 Of The Best Quotes On Bitcoin And Blockchain

100 Of The Best Quotes On Bitcoin And Blockchain

40. “Economists and journalists often get caught up in this question: Why does Bitcoin have value? And the answer is very easy. Because it is useful and scarce.”

–Erik Voorhees, CEO & Founder of ShapeShift, and previously founded Satoshi Dice and Coinapult

41. “Will people be buying yachts with their Dogecoin riches some day? Probably not. But are we having a lot of fun, helping great causes and spreading the digital currency word in the process? Yes we are. And perhaps if we pool our Dogecoin together we can build a Dogeyacht and sail the world, just saying…!”

–Jackson Palmer, Dogecoin founder

42. “Bitcoin will do to banks what email did to the postal industry”

–Rick Falkvinge, Founder of the Swedish pirate party

43. “Gold is a great way to preserve wealth, but it is hard to move around. You do need some kind of alternative and Bitcoin fits the bill. I’m not surprised to see that happening.”

–Jim Rickards, American Lawyer, Economist and Investment Banker

44. “Bitcoin is the most important invention in the history of the world since the Internet.

–Roger Ver, Bitcoin angel investor and evangelist

45. “Ten percent of my net worth is in this space,”

–Mike Novogratz, hedge fund manager, Galaxy Digital Assets

46. “Every informed person needs to know about Bitcoin because it might be one of the world’s most important developments.”

–Leon Luow, Nobel Peace prize nominee

47. “The relative success of the bitcoin proves that money first and foremost depends on trust. Neither gold nor bonds are needed to back up a currency.”

–Arnon Grunberg, Writer

48. “The possibility to be anonymous or pseudonymous relies on you not revealing any identifying information about yourself in connection with the bitcoin addresses you use.   If you post your bitcoin address on the web, then you’re associating that address and any transactions with it with the name you posted under.  If you posted under a handle that you haven’t associated with your real identity, then you’re still pseudonymous.”

–Satoshi Nakamoto, Founder of Bitcoin

49. “The governments of the world have spent hundreds and hundreds of trillions of dollars bailing out a decaying, dickensian, outmoded system called banking, when the solution to the future of finance is peer-to-peer. It’s going to be alternative currencies like bitcoin and it’s not actually going to be a banking system as we had before 2008.”

–Patrick Young, Financial analyst