
Anti-GMO Voices Don’t Deter Him: 5 Reasons Why Bill Gates Is Optimistic About Africa

Anti-GMO Voices Don’t Deter Him: 5 Reasons Why Bill Gates Is Optimistic About Africa

Photo: CCTV

4. Families Leapfrog the Grid

In sub-Saharan Africa, the majority of people in rural areas live in the dark, without access to the electrical grid. But new technologies are changing that picture much more quickly than even we optimists expected. Small entrepreneurs, backed by the U.S. government and private companies, are selling affordable solar kits that help rural families leapfrog their way to clean, reliable energy. These solar kits are lighting homes for the first time, allowing children to continue learning after dark. They are powering mobile phones and radios, connecting households to the wider world. They are allowing small businesses to operate longer, producing more family income. They also improve health, because they’re much safer than kerosene and other traditional fuels.