
12 African Countries With The Fastest Internet Speeds

12 African Countries With The Fastest Internet Speeds

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Next time you’re sitting at your computer, cursing it for buffering or for slowing everything down over one little download, just remember some places would give anything for high speed Internet access.

The Internet industry’s standard for measuring Internet responsiveness is megabits per second, or mbps. Mbps simply measure how quickly your provider responds to an action you try to complete online.

The average global peak Internet speed for 2015 was 32.5 mbps. The U.S. reached 50 mbps in 2015. Check out 12 African countries with the fastest Internet speeds, based on average household speed.

Source: Oafrica.comTechinsider.io

Kokrobite, Ghana. allezgizele.com
Kokrobite, Ghana. allezgizele.com

Ghana, Downloads of 9.80 Mbps

Ghana experiences rather high Internet speeds, especially for a city full of Internet cafes that could be cluttering Internet towers. Buzzghana.com lists the top 10 providers in the country, but there are nearly 20 viable options.


Libya, Downloads of 4.79 Mbps

Libya is on the low end of Internet speed. In fact, in 2014 Yahoo.com published an article titled “Libya Leads the World in Slowest Internet Connection Speeds” noting that most people don’t have a good connection to news, email and basic search engines. The 4.79 measurement is for overall Internet speed in and outside homes in Libya. Household speeds may be better.


Kenya, Downloads of 3.21 Mbps

As Kenya is makes its mark on the global market, Internet companies see opportunities to swoop in and provide services. Households are benefiting from the new and growing Internet provider presence too. Naibuzz.com lists five great home providers in the country.

Image: fosterandpartners.com
Image: fosterandpartners.com

Rwanda, Downloads of 3.18 Mbps

Rwanda may have had very slow Internet, but that is changing. In 2013 the country signed an agreement with a South Korean telecom firm that will bring high-speed Internet to 95 of citizens within three years, according to Theguardian.com. That three year mark is just around the corner.

Air China To Boost South African Tourism
Photo: travelzoo.com

South Africa, Downloads of 2.92 Mbps

Surprisingly, the country with some of the largest cities on the continent has slow household Internet. Webafrica.oc.za reported in 2014 that only 10 percent of people have Internet access at home. The majority use it at work, school or an Internet café.


Mali, Downloads of 2.89 Mbps

Mali’s Internet speeds have made great strides in recent years. That being said, they aren’t up to global standards. Many Internet customers in the country pay as much as 55 euros (around $60) a month for Internet that is incapable of downloading a Youtube video, according to English.rfi.fr.

Tunis University, snipview.com
Tunis University, snipview.com

Tunisia, Downloads of 2.12 Mbps

Internet speeds are so bad in Tunisia that they’ve sparked protests. Nawaat.org details a protest organization called “Let the Internet go” that is fighting Internet restrictions and high prices.


Zimbabwe, Downloads of 2.08 Mbps

Zimbabwe Internet is slow and very expensive. While the Internet managed to reach 47 percent more people between 2008 and 2013, most people still use their mobile phones to access it because that’s the only way they can afford it, says Zimbabwesituation.com.

Mozambique Limits Money Leaving The Country
Maputo, Mozambique. Photo: wikicommons

Mozambique, Downloads of 1.96 Mbps

Mozambique’s economy and lack of infrastructure are partly to blame for the country’s poor Internet. The poor fixed-line infrastructure has largely held back the market for Internet services even though the country recently revised the Telecommunications Act in the hopes of reducing investment costs, Budde.com reports.

Université Mohammed V – Agdal Morocco, ensias.ma
Université Mohammed V – Agdal Morocco, ensias.ma

Morocco, Downloads of 1.93 Mbps

Morocco’s Internet speed leaves much to be desired when it comes to connectivity. In 2013 Morocco launched a project called Maroc Numérique 2013 which aimed to improve Internet connection across the nation, Oafrica.com reports. Polls showed that people over the age of 40, those with poor educations and those living in poor neighborhoods use the Internet the least of all demographics.



Uganda, Downloads of 1.85 Mbps

Uganda has a population of over 37 million, but very few have access to the Internet. Internetworldstats.com found that between 2000 and 2010, the number of users grew from 40,000 to 3,200,000—significant growth but nowhere near to the national population.


Namibia, Downloads of 1.58

Namibia is making great strides in Internet connectivity, but still falling far below global standards. While several Internet service providers have entered the Namibian market in recent years, the development of services has been held back by high prices for international bandwidth, Budde.com reports.