
Weirdest Reality Television Shows

Weirdest Reality Television Shows

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Reality television is unfortunate at the best of times, but some shows take it too far. These shows take it too far, and then some, and represent basically everything that is wrong with the world. Here are 10 of the weirdest reality shows ever to air, and I can only hope that you’ve never had the misfortune to see them. You’ll never get those hours of your life back if you have.

Sources: HitFix.com, Movies.AllWomensTalk.com, HLNTV.com, Zap2It.com


“Vanilla Ice Goes Amish”

The “Ice, Ice, Baby” rapper faded from the limelight after his one and only hit, but tried to stage a comeback with this reality show that followed his travels through the largest Amish settlement in the United States. He tries to learn their trades and craftsmanship, and makes for some truly uncomfortable moments.


“Mr. Personality”

Dating shows are a dime-a-dozen when it comes to reality television, but “Mr. Personality” was definitely one of the weirdest ones out there, given that the contestants had to wear the creepiest masks ever invented in order for them to be judged on personality alone, rather than looks. But the hands-down most bizarre part of the show? It was hosted by Monica Lewinsky – yes, that Monica Lewinsky, of the Bill-Clinton-I-did-not-have-sexual-relations-with-that-woman scandal.


“Whisker Wars”

For those that didn’t realize that facial hair growing could be competitive, but always wished it was, “Whisker Wars” was for you. It follows a group of men as they travel the United States in hopes of winning the top honors in facial hair competitions, probably because they always got picked last in gym class growing up.


“Fatal Attractions”

We know that there are some weird obsessions out there, and “Fatal Attractions” makes certain that you don’t forget that. This Animal Planet show follows people that own exotic and oftentimes dangerous pets, and chronicle their untimely, but not entirely unexpected, deaths.


“The Virgin Diaries”

“The Virgin Diaries” chronicled the lives of those that had decided to wait until marriage to lose their virginity, and documented that ultimate life-changing moment (well, not the big moment, but everything leading up to it). But it also gave us the most awkward first kiss between two newlyweds ever, making even the hardiest among us cringe in discomfort.


“Jungle Gold”

“Jungle Gold” follows two guys who lost a ton of money in the real estate crash in 2008. Rather than invest their remaining funds in a more trustworthy and reliable market, they decide to go to Ghana and dig for gold. Because, of course. Some say that the show is staged, because there’s no way two guys could be threatened with guns that many times in a week, but who cares?


“I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant”

One of the more terrifying reality shows ever to air, “I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant” pretty much describes itself in the title. It follows women who didn’t realize they were pregnant up until the point they went into labor, with disturbing reenactments and entirely unnecessary birthing shots. Like the worst film you ever had to watch in science class, but this time, you’re watching it voluntarily.


“Who’s Your Daddy?”

Basically, an adult woman who was adopted as a baby has to figure out which of the 25 men on the show is her biological father. If she guesses correctly, she wins $100,000, but if she’s wrong, her incorrect choice wins the cash. A horrible exploitation of adoption, genetics, and humanity in general. The show was cancelled shortly after it aired after widespread public criticism.



Tagline of this show, “The only competition where the winner gets cut,” is thoroughly disgusting enough to hint what it’s about. Twelve brides-to-be are competing for their dream plastic surgery procedures, and participate in challenges to be rewarded with cosmetic enhancements. The winner also gets an all-expenses paid wedding, if their groom can still recognize them, that is.


“Duck Dynasty”

One of the more popular reality shows out there, that fact seems even more bizarre when you find out what “Duck Dynasty” is about – a store that sells duck-calls and decoys in Louisiana. Yep, that’s it. But its characters are controversial and pretty ignorantly racist, making them perfect reality television stars.