
Honorary Rangers: The Unsung Heroes Who Help Fight Rhino Poaching

Honorary Rangers: The Unsung Heroes Who Help Fight Rhino Poaching

Hundreds of rangers risk their lives every day to save endangered rhinos in South Africa’s Kruger National Park. As poachers get more bold and more heavily armed, the chance of rangers getting involved in armed contact with them has risen from 2% to 40-60% over the last few years. Without the correct training and equipment, their task would be impossible.

Which is where the Honorary Rangers come in. This group of passionate volunteers supports the hundreds of rangers working in Kruger, and in South Africa’s 21 other national parks. There are over 1,300 South African National Parks (SANParks) Honorary Rangers based in 31 regions around the country.

Click here to read more about the Honorary Rangers on AFKTravel.com.