South Africans Target U.S., The World With Tech Solution For Slow Golf

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From DisruptAfrica. Story by Tom Jackson.

South Africans Craig Kleu and John Willmore hate slow golf, as do a lot of people. But these two hate it so much they designed Tagmarshal — a solution that attempts to eradicate it altogether.

The solution is state-of-the-art, pace-of-play tracking technology that provides golf course managers with the tools to actively pursue a faster pace of play.

Aside from their own personal irritation, the founders believe they are addressing a serious issue through technology. The popularity of golf has been in decline for the past decade, with the primary reasons for this the fact people have less disposable income but also the sheer amount of time it takes to play a round.

Kleu said other sports have implemented technology, so why not golf?

The company says it is already making sales, ploughing revenues from its subscription-based model back into the business. The system was designed, developed and extensively tested in South Africa at partner sites Westlake Golf Club, Mowbray Golf Club and Wanderers Golf Club over a three-year period starting towards the end of 2011, and the company is now well into expansion to its main target market – the U.S.

“During 2014 we established a key relationship with US Open 2017 hosts Erin Hills, signing them as our first US customer,” Kleu said.

“Implementation took place in May and June, and Erin ran the system continuously through their season, successfully impacting round times and reducing slow-play incidents.”

Tagmarshal does not plan to stop there.

“We plan to expand into all the major golfing markets in Europe and Asia and are currently in talks with potential distribution partners to make that happen,” Kleu said.

Read more at DisruptAfrica.

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