
Surprising Items You Can Actually Donate

Surprising Items You Can Actually Donate

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When we think about donating items, most of us think of cleaning out our closets and purging our wardrobes, or dropping off some canned vegetables at the local food bank. But you have a lot more things to donate that people desperately need, and your contributions can go a long way to changing lives. Here are some surprising items you can actually donate.

Sources: Goodwill.org, TurboTax.Intuit.com, PetFinder.com, LifeHacker.com, TheDailyMeal.com, RealSimple.com


Broken computers

Even if they are no longer working, desktop computers and laptops contain important parts that can be used again, or fixed up for someone else – just be sure to wipe your hard drive before donating to protect private information. They also contain potentially dangerous parts that could be hazardous to the environment, so we need to be careful of how they are disposed of. Many charities will accept computers and computer equipment such as mice, keyboards and hard drives, and will use them for education programs, organizational use, and more.



Most food banks receive plenty of canned fruit and vegetables, but struggle to provide food with protein to their clients. Canned foods with protein such as peanut butter, tuna, salmon and chicken are essential to food banks. They can be easily added to many other meals to make a more balanced diet.


Cell phones

If you have a free phone upgrade waiting for you, don’t leave your old phone to waste away in some bottom desk drawer. You can donate it to a multitude of charities that repurpose them in many ways. Some organizations give cell phones with emergency calling capabilities to battered women without having to pay for a phone plan.


Wedding registries

As your wedding or other big event approaches, think about donating a portion of your registry to an organization of your choice. You can ask your guests to donate in lieu of gifts, or even incorporate fundraising into your event with donation boxes or a canned food drive. It’s a great way to bring more meaning to a special occasion.


Your home

Nobody is asking you to give up your three-bedroom home to somebody else, but if you happen to have extra time and space, you might think about fostering. Adoption agencies are always looking for people to foster children until they find permanent homes. Even animal shelters operate foster programs when they run out of space and resources for their charges.



Organizations such as the National Crayon Recycle Program (crazycrayons.com) can melt down old crayons and make new ones. Profits from new crayon sales are then funneled back into the program and go to help fund environmental education and community art initiatives.


Old pet accessories

Dingo was a great dog, and you’re still mourning his death. But if you’re not ready to replace him with a new furry friend, pet shelters are always ecstatic to receive donations of old water/food bowls, toys, leashes, grooming tools, pet beds, litter and pet food to help them keep up with the demands of the animals they care for.


Gift cards

Gift cards are easy to give as donations, and you can be reasonably sure your donation will go where it’s allotted. If you received a bunch over the holiday season that you have no intention of cashing in on, you might as well pass them on to a charity that can use them to buy food, clothing, or other supplies for people in need.



It’s a sad fact that as soon as you drive your car off the lot, it depreciates in value by an astounding amount. So when you go to cash it in, you may not be looking at more than a few bucks. Many organizations accept vehicle donations for critical organizational purposes, or to give to those who need reliable transportation to retain their jobs.



Whether it’s endowing a scholarship or being a tutor, education is a donate. Giving somebody an education allows them to help themselves, and others, and is one of the most important contributions you could make.



Many organizations need skilled volunteers to help with aspects of work that may be tangential to the charitable mission. If you happen to have a passion and talent for something like photography or video creation, you can be sure to find a worthy cause that could use your skills. Impressive marketing materials can help organizations continue to provide their services by reaching and engaging a wider audience.



If you outgrow your prescription eyeglasses or you’re just in the mood for a new eye-wear look, donate your old glasses. Millions of people who need glasses can’t afford them. Organizations such as the Lions Clubs, New Eyes for the Needy or One Sight work to ensure everybody has access to proper eye care.


Feminine products

Though it’s not often talked about, one of the hardest things for homeless or impoverished women is how to deal with their menstrual cycle. Pads and tampons are expensive. Donating these products to shelters is always appreciated.



One of the biggest contributions you can make to a charity is to donate your time to a worthy cause. Organizations are always on the lookout for volunteers who can help with their operations, and you can be sure to find something that matches your interests. Whether it’s helping to plant a community garden, build houses for the homeless, walk dogs in a shelter, or tutor kids after school, your time is appreciated just as much as your money.