Ghana Restaurants Targeting To Growing Middle Class

Written by Ann Brown

From Reuters/Written by By Matthew Mpoke Bigg

As the boss of one of Ghana’s busiest restaurants, Afua Asante has a lot on her plate, from managing a team of 40 to ensuring each dish is cooked just so. This week she has an extra headache: her palm wine supplier may be trying to cheat her.

Asante sources the wine from the town of Adawso in eastern Ghana, several hours drive from Accra, but it ferments quickly and the customers who order it by the calabash will not take kindly to wine that’s not fresh.

Asante, 50, is one of a new breed of restaurant owners in Ghana’s capital, serving a middle class that is expanding despite economic problems that have led the government to seek help from the International Monetary Fund.

The economy is worth $37.5 billion, too small for the likes of McDonald’s, leaving a niche for African restaurateurs such as Asante, who grew up in a village in eastern Ghana, to set up shop.


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