Poor Management Training Hurting Africa’s Economy

Written by Dana Sanchez

Only a minority of African managers, particularly those at mid and lower levels, are well-trained, according to a report in All Africa.

Africans are getting richer, more educated and connected on social networks but they are often ill-equipped to work and African companies struggle to find talent, says Rebecca Harrison, program director for Africa Management Initiative. AMI is a Johannesburg, South Africa-based management training school.

Most of Africa’s local business schools are low-quality, overly academic and out of step with the requirements of fast-growing African economies, Harrison said at a recent African Development Bank annual meeting in Marrakesh, according to the report.

Lack of middle management is the single biggest constraint to Africa’s growth, Harrison said. She called on educators to do more to train young people with employable skills.

“We urgently need high-quality and affordable institutions and programs at this level, which can also reach rural and under-served urban areas,” she said.

Transportation giant DHL has developed a training program to help close the talent shortage across the industry, according to a report in MRINetwork. The company is training about  4,000 employees in 51 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.



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