How A Ghanaian Banker Turned Into A Shoemaker

Written by Kevin Mwanza

As a banker, Fred Deegbe did not feel he was working his dream job. So for one year and half he did some research on how to start a shoe-making start up, got a loan from the bank he was working for and quit to take on the world’s leading shoe brands.

The former Ghanaian banker decided teaming up with a friend in 2011 to start Heel The World – a high-end shoemaking company based in the capital Accra.

“It was unorthodox, and unusual, but we decided to make shoes. We wanted to show Africa that we were just as capable as entrepreneurs anywhere, of making high end products right here at home,” Deegbe told CNN in an interview.

“Heel the World is more than a shoe company – it is a social enterprise that counters perceptions of the quality and capabilities of Ghanaian craftsmanship.”

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