
Endless Summer: 15 Best Sahara Oasis Towns

Endless Summer: 15 Best Sahara Oasis Towns

The Sahara Desert. A veritable, endless ocean of sand. For many of us, the name “Sahara” conjures up images of oasis towns lined with palm trees rising out of the dunes like some sort of mirage. Well, this is true in some cases, but many oases offer much more. The residents of these towns have honed and carved a unique way of life from nothing but sand for centuries or longer. The architecture, water supply, culture, and agriculture are all quite different in oases than in non-desert town. This is true for oases in any desert, but we think the ones found in the Sahara are the most impressive.

Click here to see 15 of the best oasis towns in the Sahara, on AFKTravel.com.