15 Twitter Reactions To The Ferguson Grand Jury Verdict

Written by Becca Blond

White police officer Darren Wilson was not indicted by a grand jury in the shooting death of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. The decision ignited racial tensions in the St Louis suburb that led to violence, looting and riots. A week later, protests are ongoing around the U.S., and they’ve been coordinated mostly on social media. Here are 15 Twitter reactions to the Ferguson grand jury verdict.


1. Protests block highways

As the sun began to set on the first day after the grand jury indictment was announced, protesters grew in numbers and blocked a major highway.


2. Brown Family response

Actress Rosario Dawson sent out this tweet with the Brown Family’s official response to the grand jury’s verdict.


3. Wall Street Journal infograph

The Wall Street Journal tweeted out this infograph it put together about the protests initially following the grand jury’s decision not to indict officer Darren Wilson for killing Michael Brown.


4. Castaway reference

In his Ferguson tweet, this user chose to reference the Tom Hank’s movie “Castaway,” where Hank’s character had a soccer ball friend named Wilson.


5. Body armor

Vice News reporter Alice Speri tweeted out this image of kids emulating the media protected in body armor.


6. Protests spread east to Philly

Protests spread in support of Michael Brown and against the grand jury verdict that spared police officer Darren Wilson from punishment. Major cities across the U.S. including Philadelphia, pictured here, hosted mostly peaceful protests.


7. And as far west as Seattle

More than 2,000 miles west, protests also blocked streets in downtown Seattle.


8. Los Angeles also braces

This tweet shows LA is also ready for protests.


9. Ulterior motives?

This user questions the prosecuting attorney’s integrity.


10. St. Louis Interstate blocked

On Tuesday afternoon, I-70 heading into St Louis was blocked by protesters, as shown in this tweet.


11. Ferguson homicide

Police were investigating a homicide Tuesday after a man was found shot to death in a car near the site of Michael Brown’s death following Monday night’s protests.


12. Post-verdict looting

This tweet shows the financial impact of violent protesters, who, sadly, ended up hurting small business owners in an already cash-strapped town.


13. Summing it up

Politico soberly summed up the situation with this tweet.


14. Rambo gone to far?

@WillyFarrell asked the question we all wanted to ask with the above tweet.


15. Volunteers to the rescue

Not everyone was protesting. Others rushed to help the ransacked businesses, as ABC News reports in this tweet.

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