‘Finding Fela’ Documentary Rehashes Musical, Political Legacy [Part 1 of 3]

Written by Makula Dunbar

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In part one of AFKInsider‘s interview with musician Femi Kuti and Stephen Hendel, executive director of the documentary “Finding Fela,” we learn that once again the task of sharing musician and activist Fela Kuti’s journey and purpose has been tackled. Landing in theaters this summer, the documentary is still circulating in theaters across the U.S. During this interview Kuti and Hendel elaborate on the follow-up to the Fela! musical and the importance of “Finding Fela.”

“Fela’s life was much more complicated and complex that we could put on-stage in a two hour process. The documentary film was to try and figure out a way of telling that story in other ways of speaking to the legacy of Fela Kuti,” Hendel said.

“I think it’s very important for people outside of Nigeria to understand the history of the aftermath of colonization, bad governments, injustice in Nigeria and what my father went through,” Kuti added.

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