Liberians In The US Struggle From Afar As Ebola Ravages Homeland

Written by Kevin Mwanza

From VOA

The more than 8,000 Liberians in New York City – the largest concentration outside Liberia itself – struggle from afar as the Ebola virus ravages their homeland.

Most Liberian immigrants to America live in the community known as Clifton, in the New York City borough of Staten Island.

Among the immigrants, the No. 1 topic of discussion is the Ebola virus, said the Reverend Philip Saywrayne.

“There has been discussions as to what engineered this Ebola. Others said that the Ebola was introduced by an animal from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The inhabitants of that land used the animal for food and there the Ebola virus derived from,” said Saywrayne, with the Christ Assembly Lutheran Church.

No cases

Local health officials said no one in this community has been infected with the virus.

However, the local market, which carries foods imported from Western Africa, is suffering.

Sellers at the market are seeing fewer customers, who may be worried about how the food was handled in Africa.

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