
10 Reasons Why Red Wine is Better than the Gym, The Doctor, etc.

10 Reasons Why Red Wine is Better than the Gym, The Doctor, etc.

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Okay, okay, SUPPOSEDLY better than the gym, the doctor, marriage, children, a lottery win, a vacation in Fiji, etc. It’s one of the most classically speculated topics, whether alcohol is wretched or blessed for your system. There’s probably not a health expert out there who will encourage over drinking, an activity rife with physical consequences for all. But there’s many that advocate partaking of wine like it’s thine daily bread. Here’s 10 reasons, the majority of them supported by scientific findings — complete with tons of photos of (probably fake) red wine cascading into pristine clear goblets, just to entice you some more.

Sources: rice.edu, latintimes.com, livescience.com, bustle.com, healthline.com



Without this antioxidant, red wine is just some goofy grape juice. Free radicals are groups of atoms with an odd number of electrons, and in great numbers they can start a chain reaction, contending with necessary cellular components like DNA and causing them damage. Antioxidants are molecules that can work with the radicals and subsequently terminate their chain reactions. Resveratrol is an especially powerful form of antioxidant.


You Don’t Need a Membership

Well, sort of. In America, you need to be 21 and over. In many other countries, you need to be over 18. In Italy and France, you simply need to have been born, and able to open your mouth. Gym memberships are a lofty prospect for the wallet, and often guilt follows when the month is not fulfilled. Two or three glasses of wine should slice that feeling of shame right away.


Wine and your Appetite

Alcohol, especially when found in wine, stimulates the appetite. This is great before your platter of lobster alfredo arrives. When mixed with food, wine can slow the stomach’s emptying rate, thereby making you feel full faster. Basically, wine is your food coach, coaxing you to the table and then telling you when to leave.


Um, Apparently you Don’t Even Need to Exercise Anymore…

This year, researchers at Canada’s University of Albert apparently laid down the law on what resveratrol actually serves to do, and that’s give you an excuse to never exercise again. Apparently, the heart, muscle and bone benefits from red wine can actually enhance exercise performance. The study is all here. Again, ONE glass of red wine, folks. One glass.


Also, No More Dentists…Ever!

All these researchers doing experiments, tirelessly trying to prove that red wine is the key to eternity? We love ’em! This year, the Spanish National Research Council dipped samples of bacteria that are responsible for dental diseases into various liquids, and red wine was the slayer of all the nasty stuff! Again, this is after three glasses, folks.

Wait sorry, forgot it. Keep it less than two.


Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite

Have a few mugs of Cabernet! The University of Nebraska-Lincoln found that bedbugs which prefer another red tonic — your blood — will steer clear if there’s alcohol in it. Additionally, this means the bugs will be less fertile, laying fewer eggs. If everyone just had a glass a night, we’d finally sleep alone (well, not quite…) (Warning: S-E-X comes n-e-x-t).


Ahem, Ladies!

A study completed in Italy, the land of unadulterated passions, saw 800 women between the ages of 18 to 50 who consumed red wine increased their levels of sexual desire. This is hypothesized by the increased blood flow to certain areas which incite carnality. The study even showed that older women who drink approximately two glasses a day have a higher sex drive than gals significantly younger than them!


It Keeps you Slim

Back to resveratrol and its treasure chest of wonders. They say it breaks down fat cells, too! A 2010 study by the Archives of Internal Medicine found that a “light to moderate” intake of red wine can lower the risk of becoming overweight at a later age.

"My Father and Piacsek" by József Rippl-Rónai
“My Father and Piacsek” by József Rippl-Rónai

It Could Stave off Alzheimer’s

The polyphenols/antioxidants such as EGCG and our old friend resveratrol, when used in purified form by University of Leeds researchers in 2013, were found to halt beta-amyloid protein, which on its destructive path towards Alzheimer’s disease latches onto and destroys brain cells. This revelation was a vital step in not only determining the further benefits of red wine, but towards a potential future cure.


Your De-Corking Arm…

…is certainly your strongest. Yanking that floating piece of bark out of that beautiful monolith works out at least 88 muscles. Make sure you lift and pour with the opposite arm and hand, in order to balance out your physique. Remember, one to two glasses a night, unless it’s a special occasion.

You decide what a “special occasion” is. Being alive?