
Nigeria’s Most-Watched Television Shows

Nigeria’s Most-Watched Television Shows

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As of April of 2014, these are the 10 most watched television shows in the country of Nigeria, according to a Jobuka.com report. Of course, viewership stats change daily as people’s tastes are fickle, but this is as near-static of a gauging of Nigeria’s preferences towards TV viewing as can be thus far for 2014.



10. Dear Mother

A refurbished cast after almost nine years on the air, this 30-minute long drama sketches features Teju Phillips as the Mother in question, making her way through widowhood and spinsterhood while struggling to raise her three children. An award-winning and crowd-pleasing hit.


9. Nigerian Idol

So many countries have had their own version, and now it’s Nigeria’s turn. Since 2010 this show has been racking up the viewership points, showing on 15 different channels across Africa. Contestants range from ages 18-28; this is not the first time Nigeria has hosted one of the Idol series, as Idols West Africa was produced and shot in the country.




8. Sunrise Daily

Shown on the popular, award-grabbing Channels Television, this current events and politics show airs every weekday morning at 7:00. Famous for their prolific journalists and political pundits who weigh in on the domestic socioeconomic situation, viewers rely on “Sunrise” as a literal wake-up call.


7. Moments with Mo

Quite possibly the Oprah of African talk shows, “Moments with Mo,” under the personality and leadership of Mosunmola Abudu, is the first-ever daily syndicated talk show in African television history. Mo hosts with spirit various Nobel prize winners and celebrities from all around the world, including singer 2face Idiba and Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.


6. Gulder Ultimate Search

The first ever local content reality show in Nigeria, it has been aired since 2004, and has maintained its popularity ever since. Contestants go on a “Survival”-like documented trek to find a specific treasure, enduring natural elements and testing their perseverance. The winner takes home 10 million naira and an SUV.


5. TejuBabyFace Show

Gbadewonuola Olateju Oyelakin, aka Teju Babyface, is one of Nigeria’s most smashingly successful TV producers, stand-up comedians, and actors. His show showcases various elements of African society, especially entertainment and politics. In the spirit of David Letterman and Johnny Carson, Teju Babyface is a long-term winner.


4. Project Fame West Africa

Filmed in Lagos and aired all over the west of the continent, this is the ultimate musical talent star search, welcoming contestants from Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone. Aired every Sunday evening since 2008 with hosts Bolanle Olukanni and Joseph Benjamin, it whittles the band of hopefuls down to a victor.


3. Tinsel

One of Nigeria’s most successful and well-attended drama series, the soap opera has been airing since 2008, winning its 100th episode in May of 2013. The plot concerns two rival film companies competing to grab top spots at the box office, suspense-filled and rewarding.


2. Who Wants to be a Millionaire

The 104th country in the world to air their own slice of this rampantly successful series, Nigeria’s “Millionaire” victor takes home precisely 10 million naira for their towering smarts. Close to 50 million viewers, the first winner was Aroma Ufodike.


1. NTA News Network

“For generations the NTA has been the source of news for the average Nigerian.” (Jokuba). Sixty million plus viewers tune in every night at 9:00 for an hour to behold veteran newscasters like Cyril Stober. The station calls itself non-partisan, but based upon its government funding has been accused of taking sides with every presidency.