The 10 Best Sites To Kill Time On

Written by Julia Austin

If it’s seriously entertaining, it’s not procrastination — right? Whatever your excuse, check out these websites next time you need to kill time. They’ll make you laugh at least, and sometimes even make you think, learn, or do a little charity.


Patently Silly

Do you ever wonder which business ideas didn’t make it onto “Shark Tank?” Or even into a local market because they were just so, well, silly? You’ll find them on Current entries include the thong diaper and a hip hop aerobic exercise doll.


Strip Generator

When words won’t do the rant you’d like to give justice, go to Here you can choose from all sorts of characters, settings, and captions to create your own, customized comic strip.



Calming Brits

What is it about a British accent that just makes everything feel okay again? Luckily you don’t need to figure out the psychology behind it, you just need to go to next time you’re feeling defeated, exhausted, cynical, un-pretty…you name it. You’ll find some of your favorite crush-worthy Brits in GIF form, with the perfect encouraging captions.

Live Plasma takes music, movie or book lovers on a virtual road trip of every type of content they could possibly like. You begin by just typing in a title, name or genre, and from there shows you a dozen other pieces of content it believes you’ll enjoy. Click on one of those, and be directed to yet another dozen or so pieces of content. You might get lost in here for hours but you’ll come out with a really good, personally tailored list of thing to read, watch or listen to.

Do Nothing For 2 Minutes

Some of us struggle to keep off the computer for even a minute…let alone two minutes! But staying away from the cyber world for a couple of minutes can give your brain a nice recharge. plays relaxing music or nature sounds and times you to ensure you don’t click or move your mouse for two straight minutes. If you do, the site flashes a giant “Fail!” and you have to start again. If you’ve ever wondered if you’re a social media addict, this site will tell you.

Omegle, when used correctly, connects you with someone else on the web who wants at that exact moment to talk about the exact same thing you want to talk about! Whether that be what type of mustard tastes best on a pretzel or what the cutest hybrid breed dog is or all the things that are annoying about flying on an airplane. If you need to vent for a few minutes, this is the place to do it.

Awkward Family Photos

There is something so oddly uplifting about, full of family portraits gone wrong! It reminds us we’re all a little bit goofy and that yes, everyone’s family is a little bit crazy but at the same time, you get to see families that are so tight knit, they’re willing to wear matching sweaters and pose in front of a green screen that makes them all look like they’re in “ Star Wars.” And hey, that’s love.

Drudge Report

If you’re someone who likes to say you don’t follow the gossip columns but secretly want to know what everyone is talking about, go to If you want to, for your own entertainment, know about the newest conspiracy theories buzzing around the web, go to If you in general feel like feeding the cynic or gossiper in you, just for a moment, go to


Life Hacker is exactly what it sounds like — a site that gives you hacks for just about every situation, circumstance, object or human you might come in contact with. You’ll learn anything from sleep positions that fix particular health issues to clever uses for pool noodles. We can’t even technically call this site a time waster! But it’s a lot of fun.


Free Rice

Test your trivia knowledge and do a little good for the world at Each time you get an answer correct, the site donates 10 grains of rice to the World Food Program that is working to end world hunger.


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