AFKInsider At The Summit: How Ebola Impacted The Sirleaf Market Women

Written by Makula Dunbar


AFKInsider attended the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit, which took place earlier this month, August 4-6, in Washington D.C., where 50 African presidents and heads of state were invited to participate in discussions surrounding investment, business, security and other topics which affect U.S.-Africa relations.

An outside event hosted by U.S. Representative Gregory Meeks and the Congressional Black Caucus titled “A Dialogue With African CEOs” targeted business and development. AFKInsider spoke with a few CEOs and leaders who reflected on the summit.

“We are not funded by President Sirleaf…We named ourselves in honor of her. We’re a group of international women who decided to help Liberia and her when she first came into office,” Dorothy Davis, chair of the Sirleaf Market Women’s Fund said. ” She told us that the best way to help was through the market women because they were the ones who had fed the country, and had been peace makers.”

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