10 Grooming Habits Women Wish Men Would Adopt

Written by Keren Mikva

When most men think about what their grooming regimens look like, it hardly ever includes more than a shower and the occasional shave. But there really should be a whole lot more to it than that. Here are 10  grooming habits women wish men would adopt.

Sources: AskMen.com, MensXP.com, ThoughtCatalog.com


Taking care of your skin

You can’t always just cover up blemishes by growing a beard – sometimes you actually have to take care of what’s below the scruff. Clearing up those acne marks can go a long way to improving your overall appearance, and maybe slapping on a little sunscreen from time to time to keep the red shininess at bay isn’t the worst idea either. Plus, skin cancer.


Eyebrow maintenance

The unibrow look went out with Frida Kahlo, so don’t be afraid to pick up a pair of tweezers. If you’re too scared to do it yourself, you can also get waxed for less than $10 in most places, and you have a better shot of avoiding the “perpetually surprised” look that plucking can occasionally lead to.


Treating your teeth right

It’s more than just brushing your teeth at night – a great smile is an instant winner, and men shouldn’t be afraid to take extra steps to achieve it. Whitening is always an option. There are at-home kits that take care of it for cheap. At the very least, invest some time in flossing and you’ll be sweet. Also, the occasional breath mint couldn’t hurt.



Moisturizing is most definitely not a woman thing. Flaky, dry skin is a bad look on everyone, and a simple daily moisturizer can take care of this in seconds. Helping your skin retain water also protects against the elements, and makes it much more appealing to touch.


Keeping your nails correct

You don’t have to get mani-pedis to have nice looking nails, and definitely don’t feel like you need to slap polish on them. But keeping your nails neat and clean is important, especially if you’re a fan of sandals. If your toes are tipped with long hair, yellow nails, and fungus, we’ve got a definite problem.


Lip balm

Similar to moisturizing, taking care of your lips is key. Chapped lips aren’t a good time for anyone, and keeping them moisturized and soft is one way to get a few more smooches thrown your way.


Get frequent haircuts

You don’t need to go crazy at the stylist with highlights, layering, and coiffing, but getting your ‘do trimmed up more than once a year is important to keeping things healthy up there. The more often you trim your hair, the easier it is to maintain your style, so don’t be afraid to establish a good relationship with your neighborhood barber.


Back hair is never OK

You may have taken care of the hair on your head, but there are several places that we don’t really want you have hair. That includes the bush growing on your back, but also a few other places, such as ears, nose, etc. Taking care of these is a must, gentlemen.

Leah Moss

Facial hair is a privilege, not a right

It’s important to find the facial-hair look that works for you – not everybody can pull off mutton chops and a chin strap (actually, nobody can pull off mutton chops and a chin strap). Work with what you’ve got, and choose your facial hair wisely in order to achieve the crucial rugged-but-not-homeless balance you crave.


Taming the nether regions

While we’re on the subject of hair, take care of “down there.” You know you saw this one coming, but it bears mentioning. You don’t need to go crazy, but keeping things tidy will go a long way.

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