AFKInsider At The Summit: Why American Companies Should Think Africa

Written by Makula Dunbar


AFKInsider attended the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit, which took place earlier this month, August 4-6, in Washington D.C.  where 50 African presidents and heads of state were invited to participate in discussions surrounding investment, business, security and other topics which affect U.S.-Africa relations.

An outside event hosted by U.S. Representative Gregory Meeks and the Congressional Black Caucus titled A Dialogue With African CEOs” targeted business and development. AFKInsider spoke with a few CEOs and leaders who reflected on the summit.

“I think it’s important for American companies to understand that they need to look at market share, because I’ve been to Africa many times and of course China is there — and other countries,” congresswoman Barbara Lee said. “They’re the countries that are really beginning to benefit from the trade and business operations and activities on the continent.”

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