
10 Internet Sensations That Instantly Went Viral

10 Internet Sensations That Instantly Went Viral

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The internet is a powerful thing, and the rate at which trends can catch on is staggering in its international involvement. The following trends have or currently are attracting millions of participants — and for better or worse, we’re all subjected to them in one way or another, as they pop up anywhere you click.


ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

One of the most recent trends, the ALS ice bucket challenge is simple: film yourself dumping a bucket of ice water over your head, and donate money to ALS research, also known as Lou Gherig’s disease. Then nominate three friends to do the same. It has caught on, and raised thousands for ALS research, and even high profile celebrities and politicians have jumped on the bandwagon – you know once Oprah’s on it, it’s officially a thing.



Although it makes absolutely no sense, lying on top of things with a completely stiff body has and still is a thing. Though it occasionally created dangerous situations, especially when people thought it would be a good idea to lie on roofs, high trees, etc., it was a pretty harmless idea. Just plank carefully, kids.


Grumpy cat

The grumpiest looking cat that ever was, actually named Tardar Sauce, is said to have feline dwarfism, giving her the permanent scowl that endeared her to internet users everywhere. From memes to videos, Grumpy Cat is even rumored to be featured in an upcoming film, and was the recipient of the 2013 Webby for Meme of the Year.



You’ve seen it. It’s exactly what it sounds like.


Harlem shake

The videos that reminded everyone that not everybody is good enough at dancing to do the Harlem shake, this trend went crazy after vlogger Filthy Frank released a video to the electronic version of a song by Baauer. Normally, this featured somebody dancing solo for a period of time, then the beat dropped, and the party got real (see screenshot above).



Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” somehow caught on as the ultimate troll move, and we all cackled in delight every time you got somebody to click a link that sent them to Astley’s sweet crooning. Not sure why, but his record sales must have hit the roof.


All things Miley

From twerking to “Wrecking Ball” parodies, Miley Cyrus has been viral internet trending gold for several years running. Thanks, Miley, you’re the best.


Slender Man

Basically, Slender Man is a creepypasta meme and urban legend that’s just a tall thin man wearing a suit and featuring a blank face. He’s been featured in a ton of fan fiction and videos, and creeps the hell out of anybody who reads them.


My Little Pony/Bronies

For whatever reason, the “My Little Pony” reboot struck a chord with adult men, thus creating the staggeringly large group of “bronies” that we have today. It’s past the point where it can still be considered ironic fandom, I think.



The picture above says it all, doesn’t it?