10 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Make With Avocado

Written by Julia Austin

There’s a reason you’re finding avocados on sale at every market: they’re falling off of trees faster than farmers can get them to you! And, since these green treats are  expensive out of season, our hunch is you have more avocados than you know what to do with. There’s so much more to avocados than guacamole. Here are 10 things you didn’t know you could make with avocado.


Avocado pesto

Since avocado is naturally filled with healthy oils, you get to skip the olive oil in this recipe, and is nut-free, so it’s safe for diners with nut allergies oranyone who just doesn’t like the pine nut element of pesto. It’s a delicious, creamy, healthy take on the pasta sauce. Because the sauce itself is a bit more substantial than regular pesto, try it with a light noodle like angel hair or even rice noodles. We found a recipe at Detoxinista.com.


Avocado burgers

Instead of topping your burger patties with avocado and having it slide all over the place when you squeeze it between two buns, try this recipe from Laughingspatula.com that blends the avocado right into the meat mixture. It makes for a creamy patty and allows you to use a little less meat and swap in vegetable protein.



Avocado pop tarts

You may have thought pop tarts could never be healthy but we’re here to prove you wrong. In this recipe, you fill flaky, fluffy pastry puffs with a delicious mixture of avocado, lime juice and sugar and top it with a delicious lime glaze made simply from lime juice and sugar. It’s an amazing explosion of summer flavors, in that heavenly little tart. We found a recipe at Scarlettabakes.com.



Avocado naan

Usually when you think of avocado recipes, you think of Californian or south-of-the-border recipes, but here we find it in an Indian favorite: naan! You can either simply mash in a few tablespoons of avocado to any recipe for naan dough, or try this recipe from Veganricha.com that adds some flavorful ingredients such as chopped basil and chili.



Avocado margarita

In the summer, there’s nothing like a pitcher of margaritas to get the party started. And since you’ll want something of substance to absorb the alcohol, why not add nutritious avocado right to your booze? Find out how in this recipe from Grouprecipes.com.




Yes, it’s what it sounds like and yes, we also wondered why it took us so long to think of this! Just blend up all the ingredients from hummus and guacamole in a blender and you get this creamy, protein-backed spread that’s delicious on tortilla chips and raw vegetables alike. Get the recipe from Gimmesomeoven.com.



Avocado nuggets

These little treats are flaky and crunchy on the outside, and oozing with warm, creamy avocado on the inside. We like that this recipe from Healthwithoutsacrifice.wordpress.com uses panko breadcrumbs, which are much lighter than regular breadcrumbs.



Avocado Caesar dressing

If you love a good Caesar salad, but feel a little guilty after dumping such a creamy dressing on light, crisp lettuce, try this recipe from RachaelRayShow.com, which uses avocado to add the creaminess to the dressing.



Avocado buckwheat pancake

How about green eggs and ham….and pancakes! When you blend creamy avocado with buckwheat flour from this recipe from Kitchenkemistry.wordpress.com you get a breakfast powerhouse of fiber, healthy fats and proteins. And you get a cool-looking green pancake.



Avocado mac n’ cheese

Some might say adding lobster or pancetta to mac n’ cheese makes it “grownup” but we say, making it healthy makes it “grownup.” So we love this recipe from Twopeasandtheirpod.com that mixes in avocado with a creamy jack cheese sauce, and adds in some avocado chunks for a really hearty dish.

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