Pants On Fire: Worst Lies to Tell Your Employer

Written by Keren Mikva

Employer-employee relationships can be tricky, but life is about a million times easier if the relationship is a good one. While we may find ourselves in situations where we need to fib a bit to keep that relationship positive, honesty is usually the best policy. When fibbing to employers, make sure you don’t tell these whoppers — they’re the worst lies to tell your employer.

“I have IT experience.”

If you say it and it’s a lie, everyone’s going to come to you with their computer problems, which will average about 10 times per day. Say goodbye to getting your own work done, pal.

“I’m sick.”

But then he sees you at the bar later that night. Really, you should have just said you wanted to darty (“darty” = day party) all day for the football game. He might have understood.

“My mother passed away.”

Woops, you forgot that happened last June. It’s usually safer to deal with grandparents – at least you’re supposed to have more of those!

“I’ll have it on your desk by Friday at 5 p.m.”

No you won’t. But now he’ll expect you to. And it doesn’t even need to be finished until next week. You just painted yourself into a corner, my friend.

“I have a TON of Photoshop experience”

You once made a flyer for a bake sale when you were in high school, but that may have actually been on Microsoft Word. Now your boss expects you to put together all of the promotional materials for upcoming events, and you don’t even know how to change fonts.

“I have to celebrate [insert religious holiday here].”

This is mainly problematic because you’re risking some seriously bad karma by pretending that you’re going to be in church or synagogue, when you have every intention of staying home and watching Netflix.

“I would love to chair the party-planning committee.”

You volunteered to win some brownie points, but really have no intention of ever planning an office function. Why would you want to be saddled with picking up a birthday cake every time there’s a birthday in the office – which somehow manages to be every day?

“Of course I speak fluent Spanish.”

Awesome, now you’re the go-to for every Spanish-speaking client, when really, your skills start and stop with ordering food and chatting about the weather. Hopefully, nobody wants to know anything more than if it’s raining or not.

“I won’t be able to come to the company barbecue, I’ll be volunteering with special needs children.”

Except that you forgot you’re friends on Facebook with your boss, and he can see the pictures you just posted from that awesome concert you went to instead of going to work.

“My car is snowed in.”

It’s the middle of summer, man.

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