Best African Vegetarian Dishes You Need To Try

Written by Keren Mikva

African food is delicious, but not always vegetarian friendly. Forget the sausages, spiced meats, and barbecued pigs. There are some seriously amazing African options for vegetarians. Read on for some absolutely incredible dishes: best African vegetarian dishes you need to try.


Koshari, Egypt

This Egyptian-style chili is an awesome blend of rice, pasta, lentils, and tomato sauce – and occasionally also some chickpeas or fried onions. Throw it all together with some garlic and hot sauce (if you dare), and dig in!

Shakshuka, Tunisia

Though this delicious breakfast — or really anytime dish — has its origins in Tunisia, it’s found throughout Northern Africa and the Middle East. It’s a delicious dish of poached eggs in a simmering stew of tomatoes, chili peppers and onions, with a bunch of spices. Yum!

Vegetarian Bobotie, South Africa

Just because you’re a vegetarian doesn’t mean you need to miss out on the amazing South African dish, bobotie. Just replace the minced meat with lentils, and add in the egg-based topping with onions, tomatoes, and delicious Cape Malay flavors.

Pampoenkoekies, South Africa

This Afrikaner dish, essentially pumpkin fritters, makes for a delicious dessert or can be made more savory for a side dish. The sweet-spiciness of the dish goes down well, and is a fantastic home-cooked treat.

Kachumbari, Kenya

For a fresh salad option, try out this tomato and onion salad – complete with chili peppers for those looking for a bit of spice. A version known as pico de gallo can also be found in Latin America, but is more often eaten as a dish in itself rather than a garnish in the African Great Lakes region.

Akkara Balls, Nigeria

If you’ve already made the South African pumpkin fritters, try out this Nigerian recipe for black-bean fritters. All it really needs is beans, salt, pepper, and oil for frying. Easy and delicious!

Kashata Na Nazi, Uganda/Tanzania

This tasty coconut candy is perfect for tea time, or really any time. Ground up coconuts, or kashatas are mixed with sugar and a bit of cinnamon and salt before being sliced up into little pieces of coconut heaven.

Bufuke, Uganda

Though it won’t win any awards for its nutritional value, Ugandan bufuke is a hearty blend of beans, potatoes, peanuts and really anything else you have in your kitchen. Throw it together with thick cream and serve with a flavorful onion sauce, and you’ve got a winner.

Saka Saka, Democratic Republic of Congo

While cassava leaves are not necessarily tasty on their own, they can make for a delicious side dish if cooked properly. Toss in some palm oil, onion, garlic, sweet pepper, eggplant, and tons of salt for a tasty addition to your next meal.

Kansiyé, Guinea

Though kansiyé can be made with meat, substituting lentils in this rich stew still makes for a satisfying and delicious dish. Combine with vegetables, spices, and a bit of creamy peanut butter before serving over rice.

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