Stowaway Trying To Go To Somalia, Ended Up In Hawaii

Written by Dana Sanchez

An unidentified 15-year-old stowaway was trying to get to Somalia to see his mother but ended up in Hawaii after surviving against the odds inside a plane’s wheel well, a law enforcement official told CNN.

The boy jumped an airport fence in San Jose, California, around 1 a.m. Sunday, hours before Hawaiian Airlines Flight 45 took off at 7:55 a.m., the official said. He told officials he had run away from home in Santa Clara, Calif.

Investigators say they don’t think the teen knew where the plane was going. He just got on the nearest aircraft.

The boy told authorities he crawled into the wheel well and lost consciousness when the plane took off. He survived the nearly five-hour flight in subzero temperatures at oxygen-depleted heights — as high as 38,000 feet — against the odds, authorities believe. He is in the custody of child welfare services, according to CNN.

CNN’s Gary Tuchman shows how the stowaway could have hid in the wheel well of an airplane.

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