UNHCR Forced to Air Drop Food in South Sudan

Written by Makula Dunbar

Adding to the 800,000 displaced people in South Sudan, the UNHCR has announced that 250,000 more people in the country have become refugees. Antonio Guterres, UN High Commissioner for Refugees said that continuous aid is neither the “answer” nor enough to repair the country. Instead, ending the conflict will ultimately help those affected return to normalcy.

“Traditionally we wouldn’t be here, because we would have prepositioned food that would have given us the ability to have a distribution that was much more systemic to support the needs of the most vulnerable in this community,” Ertharin Cousin, Executive Director of the UNHCR’s World Food Progamme, said in a video report.

“Because of the conflict, we’re now in a situation where we’re airdropping food to get to people so that they have food that they haven’t had access to for the last several months during the conflict period.”

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