Message To Black America: Here Is How To Use ChatGPT Like A Pro

Written by Ann Brown

OpenAI’s ChatGPT offers a language model capable of producing humanlike text responses in conversational settings. As ChatGPT gains popularity, it’s essential for users to understand how to use and harness its capabilities effectively.

ChatGPT is a chatbot developed by OpenAI and launched on Nov. 30, 2022. It’s hit 100 million weekly users, The Verge reported in November. The free-to-use AI system is a tool that lets users enter prompts to receive humanlike images, text, or videos that AI creates. In February, aaid subscription version called ChatGPT Plus was launched.

Access ChatGPT by visiting and creating an OpenAI account. 

Here’s how to use ChatGPT like a pro, enhance productivity, optimize interactions, and unlock its full potential.

Accessing ChatGPT: ChatGPT can be accessed through various interfaces provided by OpenAI or integrated into third-party software through the OpenAI API. These interfaces include custom-built applications, the OpenAI Playground, and the OpenAI AP, according to OpenAI.

Input Prompt: Start a conversation with ChatGPT by entering an initial message or input prompt. This prompt sets the context for the conversation and can be a question or statement.

Communicate with ChatGPT: Engage with ChatGPT by typing messages or requests into the chat window. Each message builds upon the previous ones, creating a dialogue-like interaction, Coin Telegraph reports.

Contextual Conversation: Ensure that every message provides relevant context, as ChatGPT relies on contextual understanding. Refer to prior messages or clarify unclear statements for more precise responses.

Prompt Engineering: Provide clear instructions, specify the desired length of output, and offer reference text to improve accuracy.

Split Complex Tasks: Break down complex tasks into simpler subtasks to reduce error rates.

Give the Model Time to “Think”: Encourage the model to reason through problems rather than rushing to an immediate conclusion. Asking for a “chain of thought” before an answer can lead to more reliable responses.

Photo by Andres Ayrton:

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