
10 Signs You’re Not Cut Out For a Desk Job

10 Signs You’re Not Cut Out For a Desk Job

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Working is a part of life, and some people are lucky enough find jobs they love and can enjoy doing every day. But for others who haven’t quite found their niche yet, working the wrong job can wear you down and make each morning seem bleaker than the last. If you can’t figure out what your next move is, here are a few signs you’re not cut out for a desk job.


You have bad circulation

But actually, sittin’ around on your bum all day just makes it worse. That tingling you feel in your toes every time you stand up? It’s a problem, and it’s only going to get worse. Get out and MOVE!


You hang pictures of the outdoors around your windowless cubicle

The soul-sucking so-called “office” you sit in day in and day out has no view of the outside, so you’ve tried to make do by hanging pictures of forests and rivers. It’s not the same, but sometimes you can trick your brain into thinking it is.


Taking the stairs instead of the elevator doesn’t really meet your exercise requirements for the day

You need to find something that gets your blood pumping, and just because you work on the fourth floor, the stairs aren’t going to cut it. So unless you’re able to wake up at the crack of dawn for a gym session before work (because honestly, you and I both know we’re not hitting the gym after an eight-hour workday), you’ll need to figure something else out.


Office drama makes you want to scream

Oh. Em. Gee. Sarah from accounting totally skimmed some extra petty cash for her daily lunches, and don’t you think Bert in sales might get the pink slip next month? Water cooler chitchat isn’t your thing.


You actually enjoy interacting with people

Chances are, your job keeps you chained to your desk staring at a computer, and human interaction is at a minimum. Beyond the aforementioned water cooler chat, you crave actual conversation in your daily life.


Carpal Tunnel is in your future

Slamming away on the computer all day takes a toll on your wrists, and you’re already halfway there. You’ve got to make a lifestyle change soon or it’s going to become even more of a problem.


20 minutes in the break room isn’t a satisfying way to break up the day

If that’s all you have to look forward to during your eight-or-nine hour day, it’s really not going to work.


You like to be tan

The pasty white pallor that plagues office workers isn’t for you. You need SUNSHINE!


Your IADD (Internet Attention Deficit Disorder – no, it’s not a real thing, but it should be) is pretty bad

There’s no way you can work on the computer all day without checking your Facebook. Twice. An hour. And a few Buzzfeed lists. Best to just remove the computer from the equation altogether and actually be productive.


The only thing worse than a long, boring day at the office is the knowledge that you have to do the same thing all over again tomorrow. And the next day. And the day after that. Forever.

Seriously, quit.