Rakeem Shabazz Drops Science On What’s Wrong With ‘From Hebrews To Negroes’: We Weren’t Enslaved Because Of A Curse

Written by Ann Brown

The uproar over basketball player Kyrie Irving sharing a link on social media to a movie many consider antisemitic has put the film, “Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America,” in the spotlight. Many are now more than curious about the low-budget 2018 flick based on a book of the same name. The book, self-published in 2015, and the film are both by Ronald Dalton, Jr.

Irving was temporarily suspended from the Brooklyn Nets and given a list of benchmarks by team management he has to complete, such as an apology to the Jewish community.

Now, Rakeem Shabazz, of “Wise The Dome” podcast, has weighed in on the controversial movie–and he’s blasting it’s premise.

The book and film, claimed Dalton, will “expose” readers to “the truths that have been hidden by the powers that be in America. Since the European and Arab slave traders stepped foot into Africa, Blacks have been told lies about their heritage.”

According to Dalton, “Since biblical times, there has been a satanic agenda to destroy God’s Chosen People,” meaning the Black race.

Born in Pittsburgh, PA, Dalton grew up as a youth in a Black Pentecostal Christian household, according to his bio for the book. In 2010-2011 while working at Sinai-Grace Hospital in Detroit, Michigan, he said he was enlightened about “the suffering of his fellow Black people on a grand scale and wanted answers.” He said God revealed the truth to him and he is passing it on to others via his book and film.

But, according to Shabazz, the book isn’t passing on truth, but lies.

“Ok. So I’m going to have to pause it. I’m 30 min in, and I don’t know how much I can take. This is what I got from this pseudo a*s sh*t so far,” said Shabazz on viewing the film.

Shabazz took major offense at the film purporting that Black people were condemned to slavery. “It begins saying our bondage is due to the curse of Israel. It says it was a 400 year bondage from 1619 to 2019. The slave trade began in 1444 and Africans were sent to America as early as 1526. So this is inaccurate. We weren’t enslaved because of a curse. It was for profit,” Shabazz, who is a member of the 5 Percent Nation, continued in a Twitter thread.

“They then ask. Who are the real children of Israel. Then show aborigine Australians, Kenyans, Zulu’s, Mexicans, Brazilians, Haitians and African Americans. Judaism is not the main religion in many of these nations. Practicing the religion of the OT doesn’t make you those people,” Shabazz pointed out.

In a later tweet, Shabazz continued to attack the premise of the film. He tweeted, “They are using Genesis 10:6-12 to claim the fathers of nations. We have genetic testing now. We don’t need to understand who we are from a book that we predate. We are the original man.”

“Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America” film cover

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