Woman Looking For Kim Kardashian-Like BBL Reportedly Goes To Dominican Republic For Cheap Surgery, Leaves Without Kidney

Written by Isheka N. Harrison

A woman who reportedly went to the Dominican Republic in search of a nicer figure left one kidney lighter instead – and it was all unbeknownst to her.

According to a self-described life coach who goes by Anita on YouTube, one of her friend’s kidneys was stolen by a doctor who was supposed to give her a Brazilian butt lift (BBL).

“A really good friend of mine … she had a BBL, and let’s just say now she’s walking around with one kidney,” Anita said at the start of the video.

She also added a disclaimer.

“I don’t care what you do with your body, do what you want, I don’t care; but if it risks someone I love possibly dying, then it needs to be spoke about. A lot of women are not speaking about this,” Anita continued.

“This is one of the most dangerous, dangerous surgeries. … When did it become such a trend to just roll the dice. ‘I might die, I might not die,’” Anita continued, adding a “lot of men” were “coming out saying we don’t like this.”

According to Anita, her friend found the alleged crooked doctor through a girl on Instagram and believed she was getting the “steal of her life” when she found out she only had to pay $3,500 for her surgery.

Upon returning home, Anita said her friend began experiencing “body aches” and “headaches.” Anita said her friend went to the doctor and was diagnosed with a low kidney count.

Afterward, the doctor asked her friend if she’d had any recent surgeries and ordered a cat scan.

“During the cat scan, it shows up she only has one kidney,” Anita said. “So down in DR, this botched, organ-selling doctor took one of her kidneys. She thought she was getting the steal of her life. … Little did she know that the doctor was actually selling her kidney.”

“I don’t know how much kidneys go [for] on the black market, but I know it’s way more than $3,500,” Anita estimated.

Upon learning the truth, Anita said her friend tried to find the doctor, but he’d disappeared. They also later found out the girl on Instagram who referred him was “not even a real person.” She was likely someone paid to promote him, Anita said.

As a result, Anita said her friend now only has one kidney and is going “through a whole bunch of freaking crap” – including having to take medication.

She encouraged women to think twice before having a BBL.

“The moral of this true story is please just don’t get a BBL,” Anita pleaded. “Please, just don’t get a BBL. If you can avoid it, please don’t get it and if you do want to have a bigger butt or whatever it is, go to a doctor that you know is good.”

PHOTO: Stock image. (Photo: North Atlanta Plastic Surgery Group)

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