Rwandan President Says UN Peacekeeping Force Presence Has Worsened DR Congo Conflict

Written by Makula Dunbar

From BBC

Rwandan President Paul Kagame says the UN peacekeeping force in the Democratic Republic of Congo has “in some cases” made the situation worse.

In an interview with the BBC, he said any military effort to bring peace to DR Congo needed to be “properly co-ordinated” with political efforts.

He dismissed UN allegations that Rwanda backed proxy forces in DR Congo.

The UN has nearly 20,000 peacekeepers in eastern DR Congo, where armed groups have wreaked havoc for two decades.

The UN force, now known as Monusco, first deployed in 1999 and has been widely criticised as ineffective.

It says that the peacekeepers, mandated to protect civilians and also help with the reconstruction, are spread thinly over a vast and difficult terrain.


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