
18 Things you Didn’t Know About Lupita Nyong’o

18 Things you Didn’t Know About Lupita Nyong’o

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She won best supporting actress for her role in “12 Years a Slave.” Her role as Patsey, the abused house slave with naive hopes of freedom, won most major critics’ awards, and placed her at the top of her game in Hollywood. She became a household name overnight. Here are 18 things you didn’t know about Lupita Nyong’o.

Sources: telegraph.co.uk, wikipedia.com, masslive.com, huffingtonpost.com, uk.eonline.com, ghafla.co.ke, capitalfm.co.ke, dailymail.co.uk, theguardian.com


Her multi-cultural heritage

Lupita Nyong’o was born in Mexico to Kenyan parents of the Luo nation (also President Obama’s people). Her first name is traditionally Mexican, and her surname is very rare in Kenya. Her father, Peter Anyang Nyong’o, a politician — and now a member of the Kenyan parliament — at one time sought refuge in Mexico. When it was safe to return, he took the family back to Kenya. Lupita was raised in Nairobi.


Her Family Experienced Horrors

During Daniel arap Moi’s presidency in Kenya, many political opponents disappeared or were killed. Lupita’s father, Peter Nyong’o (above with wife Dorothy), who serves on Kenya’s Orange Democratic Movement as Secretary-General, claims to have been tortured by Moi’s regime. His brother Charles disappeared in 1980, rumoring to have been thrown off of a ferry in Mombasa. “It was like a dinner party when you compare it to what the slaves went through,” Nyong’o told the Independent.


Her Brother is a College Freshman

That handsome, encouraging young lad with the tall hair and funky glasses drying Lupita’s tears and hugging her after her Oscar nab was her little brother Peter, aka “Junior.” He also eclipsed his famous sister and other big stars like Angelina Jolie to be front-and-center for the most famous selfie on the planet (above). A freshman at Stetson University in Florida, Lupita referenced him on Ellen’s show the morning after: “He lives his life with an exclamation point (!)”


Her ‘Constant Gardener’ Resume

Remember that Oscar-winning 2004 film with Ralph Fiennes and Rachel Weisz? Lupita was visiting family friends outside of Nairobi, and stumbled serendipitously into the film set. Days later, she was hired as Fiennes’ runner. When he inquired about her future prospects and she timidly said she wanted to act, he gave her advice to carry her into her successful future: “Lupita, only act if you can’t breathe without it.”


 Kenyan TV

Before her international career launched, Lupita was cast in the Kenyan TV series “Shuga: Love, Sex, Money” in 2008. A popular, and sometimes controversial series commissioned by MTVBase, it chronicled the coming of age of a group of young Kenyans experiencing sexual awakenings. The main objective of the series was to spread HIV/AIDS awareness. Here is a link to some scenes on youtube.


 Her life at film school

Lupita enrolled in the film and theater studies program at Hampshire College in Massachusetts. She plowed her way through the four-year program ambitiously; where most students were required to make two films, Lupita made five. Professors lauded her for her passion and hard work. This led to high points in her early film career.


 She made a documentary

And this was even before Yale! Thinking she wanted her plan B to be film making, she didn’t hold back. In 2009, Lupita wrote, directed, and produced “In My Genes.” The documentary followed Agnes, a Kenyan who is part of the country’s underserved albino population. Anticipate more filmmaking work from Lupita, it’s in her genes as well. Here is a link to the trailer.


 Yale: she’s no slouch

On her way back to Kenya after graduation, Lupita chanced a stab at a place in the Yale School of Drama’s highly competitive three-year master of fine arts program. Naturally, she slid in like nothing. For the program’s duration, she was cast in many stage productions and roles, including as Katherine in “The Taming of the Shrew,” and Sonya in “Uncle Vanya.”


 Her ’12 Years A Slave’ casting

The diploma wasn’t even in her hand yet, when she sent a tape in to the casting director of “12 Years a Slave.” When finally making it out to Los Angeles for a face-to-face with casting director Francine Maisler, Lupita was sideswiped by the intense audition process. The audition required her to enter promptly into the most grueling, violent moments of her character’s scenes. Back in Connecticut, sunbathing, she received a phone call from the director, Steve McQueen. The rest is history!


 Her ’12 Years A Slave’ Process

Lupita leaped into the role with a mixture of fervor and understandable trepidation. In Solomon Northrup’s biography upon which the film is based, the author described the stunning impression Patsey made on him: “(She had) an air of loftiness, that neither labor nor lash could rid of her.” It was up to Lupita to find this hard blend, a mixture of childlike hopefulness despite unspeakable sadness and anguish.


 Her ownership of the red carpet

On Jan. 16, Lupita’s name was mentioned with four other talented actresses as a nominee for the Best Supporting Actress of 2013. She is pictured above at the Golden Globes  in Ralph Lauren, where her carpet walk caused a sensation; she was included on tons of best-dressed lists including Vanity Fair, Huffington Post, and Today.com.


Her (Pre-Oscar) Speech On Beauty

At the seventh annual Black Women in Hollywood Awards luncheon hosted by Essence magazine, Lupita’s acceptance speech stunned the audience. I will write no more, but I shall post the speech.


A Cameroonian Singer Didn’t Like Her Speech

Dencia, a singer from Cameroon famous for her “Whitenicious” face-bleaching cream brand, appeared on UK’s Channel 4 News and dissed Lupita’s Essence speech about railing against the notion of lighter skin for black women: “I don’t care about Lupita Nyong’o and her story. We are adults and should know what we want to do to feel comfortable.” Voices soon chimed in, mostly of condemnation against “white means pure” promoter Dencia.


A Kenyan Singer Loves Lupita

A young pop star from Kenya, Chris Adwar, wrote a tribute song to Lupita after her Oscar victory. It’s a nice counter to anyone who (dares!) talk down about her. Take a listen, and then check out Jay-Z and Jay Electronica’s remix of Soulja Boy’s “We Made It” to hear some more positive plugging of Lupita’s name.


Her Oscar Dress

Michaela Erlanger collaborated with Prada to design Lupita’s dress on her Night of a Thousand Stars (aka the Academy Awards). Take a gander above if you’ve forgotten how perfect it was. The pale blue silk georgette soleil pleated gown hearkened back to the designer’s memories of Elizabeth Taylor’s fashion; it is now synonymous with success and beauty, aka Lupita Nyong’o.


Her Oscar Win

Christoph Waltz opened the envelope and proclaimed “Lupita Nyong’o” the recipient of the Best Supporting Actress Oscar  on March 3, 2014, shutting out heavy contenders Jennifer Lawrence and June Squibb. Her speech, expectantly eloquent, left tears flowing in the auditorium. She thanked “the spirit of Patsey,” and the guidance of everyone involved in “12 Years a Slave,” present or long deceased.


Star Wars? Do Tell!

Before the Oscar was hers, Nyong’o met with producer/director J.J. Abrahms to discuss a major role in “Star Wars, Episode VII.” A hushed project in the can so far, but whispered to be about the adventures of young Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Princess Leia. We’ll see come Christmas 2015!


 Her Bright Future

Already a part of upcoming films, like the Liam Neeson vehicle “Non-Stop,” to be released in February. She is also the new face of Miu Miu, and has graced the covers of “Dazed and Confused” and “W.” While she will certainly not be wearing her new “It” girl status materialistically, we anticipate both important film roles and her smiling, gorgeous presence at awards shows in the near future. The winner is Lupita Nyong’o!!