10 Great Ideas To Re-Gift Your Unwanted Holiday Presents

Written by Julia Austin

When the time comes to re-gift your unwanted holiday presents, you have options. You could re-gift it and risk having the receiver see the card addressed to you, or ask for the receipt that you don’t have. Or you could try these creative, generous methods for re-gifting.


Pre-wrapped body lotions

You’re bound to get a few of these from your female friends — perfectly pre-wrapped baskets of body lotions and body glitters — but you have your two or three products you swear by, and you just don’t use the stuff that smells like caramel apples. If you know of a charity event with an auction coming up, donate these. Pre-wrapped gift baskets sell tons of tickets at charity auctions.


Grocery store gift card

A well-meaning friend got you a gift card to the giant, generic grocery store in town. But frankly, you like your little gourmet market. Go stock up on canned foods and donate them to your local food drive. Canned food drives happen all the time around the holidays, but nobody really keeps cabinets full of canned food anymore!


Boxes of chocolate

After all the holiday parties, your waistline does not need these. But you know who will appreciate them? Your lawyer’s office, your doctor’s office, your accountant’s office, or the owners of the little bookstore you frequent. This is a great way to give a gift to an entire office of people you patronize often, or even an office of people who are clients of yours. They can all share the giant box in the reception area.


Dog toys/treats

It’s almost impossible to buy the right treats or toys for a friend’s dog — every dog has different preferences, dietary restrictions and even safety restrictions. Still, your friends will try to buy gifts for your pooch. Donate the toys you deem unsafe for your pet’s habits, and the treats with the ingredients he can’t eat, to any local shelter or pound. They have hundreds of types of dogs, and some of them can safely enjoy those treats.


Slippers/robes/warm socks

We probably all have enormous collections of slippers and robes — collections that double every holiday season. Just stick to the two or three you like and keep them clean, but keep the other items in their boxes. Hold onto the spares and host a spa night at your house for your friends. Everybody will enjoy their own brand new, clean robe and slippers for the night that they can then take home. Your friends will feel so pampered when they each see a brand new robe with their name on the box.


Electronics you know you won’t use

It’s nifty, it has all types of cool features, and yet you know you’re an old-fashioned laptop and iPod kinda person. Donate unwanted technology to your local public school. They can use everything from entertainment technology to educational technology.



Call up your five closest friends and you can almost guarantee they each received clothes they don’t like or that just don’t fit them. What better time to throw a clothes-swap party! Have everyone over, along with their unwanted clothes, and do some trading.



The gifter assures you it’s a collector’s item, but you just don’t know anything about it –nor do you care about vinyl records/model cars/old coins. Give this item to a friend who is a big seller on eBay. At this point, selling is a breeze to them and you just handed them a pile of money.


Holiday ties

Men often receive ties as gifts over the holidays that they never get around to wearing. There are special transitional homes for men making their way out of homeless shelters and into the working world that can always use professional attire. As long as there aren’t reindeer on the ties, go donate them.



Invited to a few New Year’s Eve gatherings? Maybe a New Year’s Day brunch? Round up all the treats you accumulated during Christmas and bring these as your offering to the New Year’s parties. That’ll save you some money on the bottles of bubbly you would have otherwise bought.

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