Angola Will Not Stand for Unconstitutional Power Seizures, Enforcing Peace Strategies

Written by Makula Dunbar

Angola has as strategy the firm upholding of the principles and norms against unconstitutional seizure of power, since it presides since 1 May the Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU), said Thursday, in Addis Ababa, the Angolan ambassador to the AU, Arcanjo do Nascimento.

In an exclusive interview to ANGOP, as part of the celebrations of the jubilee of the organization, to be marked on May 25, the diplomat stressed that as leader of the Council “Angola has been passing the message that it will remain firm and uncompromising in relation to the principles of the African Union Charter and the Charter of Lome on non-recognition of entities that arise from unconstitutional seizure of power, adding that this is the strongest weapon to prevent precedents.

Referring to the conflicts that led to the seizure of power by force in Madagascar, Guinea-Bissau, Mali and currently in the Central African Republic, the diplomat Arcanjo do Nascimento said that despite the fact that these countries already have lower levels of tension and violence, the African states should continue to worry about these situations so that they are not repeated.


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